This file, AutoRunScript.txt, is automatically read and loaded at bot startup. Anything in this file will be ran as a script in each city in the bot. The file must be located in the same folder as the bot executable file in order for it to run it. The -runscript [[StartupParameters|Startup Parameter]] allows to specify a custom script name to run instead of AutoRunScript.txt. Your script contained in this file can be anything. Some common uses are to set map colors, tell [[NEATO]] you're connected, auto-use common items like amulets or holiday promo items, and to have alts report back to a main account their city and account status. Keep in mind this runs in EVERY city at startup. If you want to use items or perform account maintenance type stuff, you will probably want those things only running from 1 city. You can add something like this to your script at start... . {{{ if city.timeSlot != 0 goto allCities //put your stuff to perform here only in one city label allCities // put your stuff to perform here for all cities }}} ---- CategoryExtras