== BuildVersion == ||Usage: ||BuildVersion || ||<#F2F2F2 style="padding:0.2em;border-left-width:2px;border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170); ">Example: ||echo BuildVersion || This constant returns the version number of the running bot. . {{{ // check bot version to make sure it is 3167 or later (simplified), compatible with old bots @BuildVersion = "" // this will assign value on older bots, silently error on newer bots if BuildVersion < "3167" echo "This script requires version 3167 or later" if BuildVersion < "3167" end // check bot version on post-3166 bots (simplified) if BuildVersion < "3200" die "This script requires version 3200 or later" // note, "die" command may not be available on old bots }}} ---- CategoryConstants