<> ## page was renamed from GetBuildingLevel == getBuildingLevel(buildingType) == ||Usage: ||city.getBuildingLevel ( BuildingTypes ) || ||<#F2F2F2 style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em; ">Example: ||level = city.getBuildingLevel(23) || this example finds the level of the !MarketPlace(23) . {{{ if city.tradesArray.length == city.getBuildingLevel(23) canceltrade }}} This sample cancels all trades if the number of trades is equal to the Level of the Market Place... (Hence the Market is full) . {{{ echo city.getBuildingLevel(23) }}} 10<
>Script stopped == getBuildingByTypeId(buildingType) == ||Usage: ||city.getBuildingByTypeId(buildingType) || ||<#F2F2F2 style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em;">Example: ||city.getBuildingByTypeId(23) || This function returns an object for the building with the highest level of that typeId. For example, to find your highest level barrack (typeId = 2): . {{{ echo city.getBuildingByTypeId(2).level }}} Valid parameters for this object are ''level, name, positionId, startTime, endTime, typeId'', and ''status''. For example you can echo city.getBuildingByTypeId(2).name or city.getBuildingByTypeId(2).status. See also: BuildingTypes == getBuildingByPosId(pos) == ||Usage: ||city.getBuildingByPosId(pos) || ||<#F2F2F2 style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em;">Example: ||city.getBuildingByPosId(2) || This example finds the name of the building at position 2: . {{{ echo city.getBuildingByPosId(2).name }}} You can find the positions with this: {{http://imageshack.us/a/img820/7558/positionid1.png}} {{http://imageshack.us/a/img10/8545/positionid2.png}} == countBuilding(buildingType,minLevel,maxLevel) == ||Usage: ||city.countBuilding([[BuildingTypes|buildingType]],minLevel,maxLevel) || ||<#F2F2F2 style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em; ">Example: ||totalmines = city.countBuilding(6,1,10) || The above example gives the total count of all iron mines between level 1 and 10. ---- CategoryFunctions