This section is an alphabetical listing of all the goals the bot can perform.
- Abandon
- AbandonFlats
- AcquireFlats
- AttackGap
- Build
- BuildNpc
- CapturedFireLimit
- Comfort
- ComfortPolicy
- DefenseCooldown
- DefensePolicy
- DistancePolicy
- Embassy
- ExcludeList
- FarmingCycle
- FarmingCycleMin
- FarmingPolicy
- FastHero
- FeastingHallSpace
- FortificationGoal
- FortsUseReserved
- Gate
- GatePolicy
- Hero
- HeroFireLimit
- HeroPoints
- Hiding
- HomeHeroes
- Hunting
- HuntingPos
- HuntingType
- KeepAttHome
- KeepCapturedHeroes
- KeepHeroes
- KeepResources
- KeepTroops
- MonitorArmy
- NoHealing
- NoLevelHeroes
- NoMayor
- Npc
- NpcBounds
- NpcBuildPolicy
- NpcHeroes
- NpcLimit
- NpcLimits
- NpcList
- NpcTeams
- NpcTroops
- Obsolete
- Plan
- ProcessingPolicy
- Production
- RallyPolicy
- ReportsToKeep
- RequestResources
- RequestTroops
- Research
- ReservedBarrack
- ResourceLimits
- SafeValleyFarming
- SchedulePolicy
- SendResources
- SendTroops
- SpamHeroes
- TaxPolicy
- Trade
- TradePolicy
- TrainInt
- TrainPol
- Training
- Training10
- TrainingHero
- Troop
- TroopDelBadQue
- TroopIdleQueueTime
- TroopIncrement
- TroopQueueTime
- TroopsUsePopMax
- Valley
- ValleyFarming
- ValleyHeroes
- ValleyLimit
- ValleyMin
- ValleyTroops
- WallQueueTime
- WarRules
- WarTown
- WarTownPolicy
- WarehousePolicy