The Fields objects can reference details about valleys you own. '''Field objects can be referenced as:''' . ''m_city.cityManager.fields[#].property '''or''' city.fields[#].property'' The # will be which valley slot you are referencing, between 0-9. The .property at the end is how you will specify which detail you are referencing. Using the table below, you can for example get the level of the 5th valley you own with ''city.fields[4].level''. '''Properties''' ||'''Property ''' ||<#cccccc>'''Type''' ||<#cccccc>'''Description ''' || ||id ||int ||Displayes the ID number assigned to the valley from the server side || ||level ||int ||Description here || ||name ||String ||Description here || ||type ||String ||Description here || The following functions can give further information about valleys, but are used as: .''m_city.cityManager.fields.method '''or''' city.fields.method'' '''Methods''' ||'''Method ''' ||<#cccccc>'''Type''' ||<#cccccc>'''Description ''' || ||length ||int ||Description here || '''Examples''' . {{{ example goes here }}} ---- [[Object City]]