The FieldId is a number between 0-63999 (at least on 800x800 grid servers) Each FieldId is directly related to a coordinate pair, the game server uses [[MapFunctions#GetFieldId|FieldIds]] to reference all the squares on the map... 0,0 has fieldId of 0.... 1,0 has fieldId of 1... 799,0 has fieldId of 799... 1,1 is fieldId 800... there is a direct mathematical relationship between the coords and the fieldId. Many of the advanced scripting functions require you to convert your coordinates into fieldIds to use them. You can convert x and y into FieldId using this forumla: FieldId = x+(y*800) Alternately, you can use the NEAT [[MapFunctions#GetFieldId|GetFieldId(coords)]] function to convert a set of coords into a FieldId You can convert fieldId back into x and y using this forumla: x = fieldId MOD 800 y = floor(fieldId / 800) Or you can use FieldIdToCoords(fieldId) ---- ---- CategoryConstants