Starting in the near future, you will be required to link your bot(s) and NeatPortal forum account in order to use the VIP versions of the bot. This is to verify that you are indeed VIP and not just someone that got the VIP bot from a friend. Linking your bot and NeatPortal forum account together is very easy to do! {{{#!wiki blue/solid You're going to need a couple scary looking keys from the forum, here's how to find them. First, click your user control panel on the top left of the forum }}} {{||width=1000}} {{{#!wiki blue/solid Now click to view your Profile }}} {{||width=1000}} {{{#!wiki blue/solid Next, copy your shared secret key and enter it at the bottom of the director under "Custom Params" as -ssk . After that copy your authentication token and enter it at the bottom of the director too as -token . The Custom Params box should look something like: -ssk abc123456 -token 7890def. If you already had stuff in that box, just add this to the beginning or end, keeping a space between each part, for example: -logintimeout 180 -ssk abc123456 -token 7890def }}} {{||width=1000}} {{{#!wiki blue/solid Now restart all your bots. DO NOT refresh your forum profile page until your bots are finished restarting. If you refresh it will create a new authentication token. If you do refresh and get a new one, replace the one at the bottom of the Director with it. You can look at the bots near the top of the log window when they log in and see if it worked or not. If it worked you'll see a message in black saying you've linked to the forum successfully. If it failed you'll see a message in red telling you that your token or ssk or whatever was wrong. If it fails, just refresh the profile page and grab a new token and try again. }}} {{||width=1000}} {{{#!wiki blue/solid After all your bots have started up, you can safely refresh the profile page. You should see all your bot's userhashes entered in the bottom. These hashes are found in the bot's Global Settings -> About tab, if you're curious or want to add/remove one manually. After successfully linking your bots to your forum account, delete the -ssk and -token entries at the bottom of the Director in the "Custom Params" box. }}} {{||width=1000}}