## page was renamed from GoTo ||Usage: ||goto label || ||<#F2F2F2 style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em;">Example: ||goto upgradecot || Allows you to jump to any label, anywhere in the script. In the following example, the bot will read the first line and print the first message following it, then jump to the third label and print that message, then jump to the second label and print that message twice, and then for lack of another jump it will continue down the script to the third label again, print that message, then jump back to the second label.. thus entering an endless loop of the second and third label. {{{ 1: label firstLabel 2: print This is label 1's stuff 3: goto thirdLabel 4: label secondLabel 5: print This is label 2's stuff 6: repeat 2 7: label thirdLabel 8: print This is label 3's stuff 9: goto secondLabel }}} This produces the following results in the bot: {{{ 16:53:21 This is label 1's stuff 16:53:25 This is label 3's stuff 16:53:29 This is label 2's stuff 16:53:33 This is label 2's stuff 16:53:39 This is label 3's stuff 16:53:41 This is label 2's stuff 16:53:43 This is label 2's stuff 16:53:46 This is label 3's stuff 16:53:48 This is label 2's stuff 16:53:50 This is label 2's stuff 16:53:53 This is label 3's stuff 16:53:55 This is label 2's stuff 16:53:57 This is label 2's stuff 16:54:00 This is label 3's stuff (etc. etc. forever) }}} ---- CategoryAllScripts CategoryFunctionScripts