||Usage:||guardedattack xxx,yyy troop num_scouts opponent_troop opponent_defenses|| ||Example:||guardedattack 111,222 a:99600,w:100,s:100,p:100,sw:100 10 a:60000,cav:50000 at:19000<
>guardedattack 111,222 cav:99000,s:1000 10 a:500000 ab:1|| Used to set up a scout and an attack and recall the attack based on the result of the scout. In the first example, the bot will schedule a scout with 10 scouts and an attack on 111,222 with 99600 archers so that the scouts arrive a random time between 15-30 seconds before the archers. If the scout fails, the attack is recalled. If the scout is successful but there are 60k+ archers OR 50k+ cavalry at the target, the attack is also recalled. In the second example, the bot will schedule a scout with 10 scouts and an attack on 111,222 with 99000 cavalry so that the scouts arrive a random time between 15-30 seconds before the horses. If the scout fails, the attack is recalled. If the scout is successful but there are 500k+ archers OR => 1 abatis at the target, the attack is also recalled. To cancel guardedattack, use EndGuardedAttack. ---- CategoryAllScripts CategoryDeploymentScripts