## page was renamed from ObjectMapCastleBean mapCastleBean objects reference details about a location on the map. '''mapCastleBean objects can be referenced as:''' . ''userDefinedObject.property'' The .property at the end is how you will specify which detail you are referencing. Using the table below, you can for example get the name of the city with c''ity.name''. '''Properties''' ||'''Property ''' ||<#cccccc>'''Type''' ||<#cccccc>'''Description ''' || ||id ||int ||Gives the FieldID of the mapCastleBean || ||lastUpdated ||int ||time the information in the mapCastleBean was last updated || ||userName ||String ||returns the player's name that owns the castle or valley, or null if unowned || ||playerLogoUrl ||String ||returns path the the player's avatar icon, or null if unowned || ||name ||String ||returns name of city, or "Barbarian's city", if coords are a valley it will return a string containing valley type: "Forest","Hill","Swamp","Flat",etc. || ||allianceName ||String ||returns name of player's alliance or null if unallied or unowned. || ||zoneName ||String ||returns name of state: "Franconia","Lombardy","Tuscany",etc. || ||prestige ||int ||returns prestige of owner of !FieldId (or 0 if unowned) || ||honor ||int ||returns honor of owner of !FieldId (or 0 if unowned) || ||flag ||String ||returns the player's flag (or null if unowned/unoccupied) || ||relation ||int ||returns number indicating color of flag: 0 = green flags, 1 = blue flags, 2 = grey flags, 3 = red flags, 6 = unowned valleys or unallied castles || ||furlough ||Boolean ||Is player at indicated coords in holiday? Returns: True / False || ||state ||int ||Returns code indicating player state or status: 1 = peace, 2 = truce, 3 = beginner, 5 = holiday, 6 = dream truce || ||npc ||Boolean ||Is city at indicated coords an NPC? Returns: True / False || ||changeface ||int ||not sure what this indicates. seems to always be 0. || ||canLoot ||Boolean ||If you can loot from the coords. Returns: True / False || ||canSend ||Boolean ||If you can send to the coords. Returns: True / False || ||canScout ||Boolean ||If you can scout the coords. Returns: True / False || ||canTrans ||Boolean ||If you can transport to the coords. Returns: True / False || ||canOccupy ||Boolean ||If you can occupy the coords. Returns: True / False || '''Related Functions''' !RelationIndex(mapCastleBean) !RelationIndex returns values from 0 ..6 as following: 0 = Player 1 = Enemy 2 = Same 3 = Friend 4 = Neutral 5 = Other 6 = No Alliance (or No Relation) '''Examples''' . {{{ fid = GetFieldId(123,456) // convert coordinates into FieldId mcb = GetDetailInfo(fid) // retrieve mapCastleBean object containing details for specified FieldId if mcb == null repeat // if the server did not send updated info, repeat last step echo mcb.name echo mcb.allianceName echo mcb.prestige }}} ---- ScriptObjects