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    • Diff for "MapFunctions"
    Differences between revisions 1 and 7 (spanning 6 versions)
    Revision 1 as of 2014-12-26 20:02:18
    Size: 1076
    Editor: Inanna
    Revision 7 as of 2014-12-26 20:39:13
    Size: 5517
    Editor: Inanna
    Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
    Line 6: Line 6:
    == GetFieldId ==
    ||<tablebgcolor="#F9F9F9" tablestyle="margin:1em 1em 1em 0px;border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:sans-serif;font-size:13px;line-height:19.5px;text-align:start; " tableclass="wikitable"#F2F2F2 style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em; ">Usage: ||<style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em;">!GetFieldId(coords) ||
    ||<#F2F2F2 style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em; ">Example: ||<style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em;">coords = "460,355"<<BR>>echo !GetFieldId(coords) ||

    This function converts coordinates into a field id.

    The field id is a number between 0-63999. Each number directly corresponds to a square on the 800x800 grid map. The game server uses field ids to reference all the squares on the map... 0,0 has field id of 0.... 1,0 has field id of 1... 799,0 has field id of 799... 1,1 is field id 800... and so on. Many of the advanced scripting functions require you to convert your coordinates into fieldIds to use them.

    This example finds the coordinates of a field id:
     . {{{
    coords = "460,355"
    echo GetFieldId(coords)

    15:07:40 Starting script
    15:07:40 Running line 1
    15:07:40 coords = 460,355
    15:07:42 Running line 2
    15:07:42 284460
    15:07:43 Script stopped
    Line 10: Line 32:
    This function converts a field id into coordinates.
    Line 24: Line 47:

    == MapDistance ==
    ||<tablebgcolor="#F9F9F9" tablestyle="margin:1em 1em 1em 0px;border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:sans-serif;font-size:13px;line-height:19.5px;text-align:start; " tableclass="wikitable"#F2F2F2 style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em; ">Usage: ||<style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em;">!MapDistance(x1,y1,x2,y2) ||
    ||<#F2F2F2 style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em; ">Example: ||<style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em;">!MapDistance(123,456,111,222) ||

    This function finds the distance between two sets of coordinates on the map.

    This example finds the distance between your own city and target coordinates, rounded to 2 decimal places:
     . {{{
    targX = 123
    targY = 456
    distance = round(MapDistance(city.x,city.y,targX,targY),2)
    echo "Distance from {city.coords} to {targX},{targY} is {distance} miles."

    15:36:13 Starting script
    15:36:13 Running line 1
    15:36:13 targX = 123
    15:36:14 Running line 2
    15:36:14 targY = 456
    15:36:15 Running line 3
    15:36:15 distance = 351.81
    15:36:16 Running line 4
    15:36:16 Distance from 460,355 to 123,456 is 351.81 miles.
    15:36:17 Script stopped

    == FormatDistance ==
    ||<tablebgcolor="#F9F9F9" tablestyle="margin:1em 1em 1em 0px;border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:sans-serif;font-size:13px;line-height:19.5px;text-align:start; " tableclass="wikitable"#F2F2F2 style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em; ">Usage: ||<style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em;">!FormatDistance(fieldId1,fieldId2) ||
    ||<#F2F2F2 style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em; ">Example: ||<style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em;">!FormatDistance(12345,23456) ||

    This function finds the distance between two field ids and displays it in a nice readable format.

    Basic example:
     . {{{
    echo FormatDistance(12345,23456)

    15:27:46 Starting script
    15:27:46 Running line 1
    15:27:46 90.09 miles
    15:27:47 Script stopped

    This example finds the distance between your own city and a target coordinates:
     . {{{
    targ = "123,456"
    targetId = GetFieldId(targ)
    distance = FormatDistance(city.fieldId,targetId)
    echo "Distance from {city.coords} to {targ} is {distance}.

    15:29:56 Starting script
    15:29:56 Running line 1
    15:29:56 targ = 123,456
    15:29:57 Running line 2
    15:29:57 targetId = 364923
    15:29:58 Running line 3
    15:29:58 distance = 351.80 miles
    15:29:59 Running line 4
    15:29:59 Distance from 460,355 to 123,456 is 351.80 miles.
    15:30:00 Script stopped

    See also: ...
    See also: ...





    coords = "460,355"
    echo GetFieldId(coords)

    This function converts coordinates into a field id.

    The field id is a number between 0-63999. Each number directly corresponds to a square on the 800x800 grid map. The game server uses field ids to reference all the squares on the map... 0,0 has field id of 0.... 1,0 has field id of 1... 799,0 has field id of 799... 1,1 is field id 800... and so on. Many of the advanced scripting functions require you to convert your coordinates into fieldIds to use them.

    This example finds the coordinates of a field id:

    • coords = "460,355"
      echo GetFieldId(coords)
      15:07:40 Starting script
      15:07:40 Running line 1
      15:07:40 coords = 460,355
      15:07:42 Running line 2
      15:07:42 284460
      15:07:43 Script stopped





    fid = 284460
    echo FieldIdToCoords(fid)

    This function converts a field id into coordinates.

    This example finds the coordinates of a field id:

    • fid = 284460
      echo FieldIdToCoords(fid)
      14:58:01 Starting script
      14:58:01 Running line 1
      14:58:01 fid = 284460
      14:58:02 Running line 2
      14:58:02 460,355
      14:58:03 Script stopped






    This function finds the distance between two sets of coordinates on the map.

    This example finds the distance between your own city and target coordinates, rounded to 2 decimal places:

    • targX = 123
      targY = 456
      distance = round(MapDistance(city.x,city.y,targX,targY),2)
      echo "Distance from {city.coords} to {targX},{targY} is {distance} miles."
      15:36:13 Starting script
      15:36:13 Running line 1
      15:36:13 targX = 123
      15:36:14 Running line 2
      15:36:14 targY = 456
      15:36:15 Running line 3
      15:36:15 distance = 351.81
      15:36:16 Running line 4
      15:36:16 Distance from 460,355 to 123,456 is 351.81 miles.
      15:36:17 Script stopped






    This function finds the distance between two field ids and displays it in a nice readable format.

    Basic example:

    • echo FormatDistance(12345,23456)
      15:27:46 Starting script
      15:27:46 Running line 1
      15:27:46 90.09 miles
      15:27:47 Script stopped

    This example finds the distance between your own city and a target coordinates:

    • targ = "123,456"
      targetId = GetFieldId(targ)
      distance = FormatDistance(city.fieldId,targetId)
      echo "Distance from {city.coords} to {targ} is {distance}.
      15:29:56 Starting script
      15:29:56 Running line 1
      15:29:56 targ = 123,456
      15:29:57 Running line 2
      15:29:57 targetId = 364923
      15:29:58 Running line 3
      15:29:58 distance = 351.80 miles
      15:29:59 Running line 4
      15:29:59 Distance from 460,355 to 123,456 is 351.80 miles.
      15:30:00 Script stopped


    MapFunctions (last edited 2016-05-16 18:23:10 by Inanna)