||Usage:||npctroops [level] troops_to_send || ||Example: ||npctroops 10 a:90000,wo:2000,w:2000,s:4000,t:2000<
>npctroops 9 a:90000,wo:2000,w:2000,s:4000,t:2000<
>npctroops 8 w:100000<
>npctroops 5 b:400,t:400 || ||<#F2F2F2 style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em; ">Default: ||npctroops 1 b:20<
>npctroops 2 b:50<
>npctroops 3 b:170<
>npctroops 4 b:350<
>npctroops 5 b:550<
>npctroops 6<
>npctroops 7 <
>npctroops 8 <
>npctroops 9<
>npctroops 10 <
> || By default, the bot will send out what it thinks is the optimal troop setup for each level of npc it farms. You can configure your own troop settings with this directive. In the example above, the bot will send out 400 ballistas and 400 transports to level 5 npcs, 100k warriors to level 8 npcs, and 90k archers/2k workers/2k warriors/4k scouts/2k transports to level 9 and 10 npcs. ---- CategoryAllGoals CategoryNpcGoals