How to use a reference 101 All references are based on the following format ( reference {operator} value ) every valid reference will return a value in the log tab if preceeded by print. If you try to grab a reference that does not exist it will give a 1069 error. An example is trying to print the heroname from marching army number 6 when you have only got 5 armies marching. e.g print m_context.sellPrice(0) will show you the current price of food To make it easier on the eyes you can add a comment on what it is in front e.g print food is now sold for ( m_context.sellPrice(0) ) To use this reference in a script you need a comparable, an ifgoto or an ifgosub command and a label to go to. e.g. ifgoto ( m_context.sellPrice(0) < 5 ) buyfood That will tell the bot to find a label named buyfood if the price of food is less than 5 Next step is tieing the two parts together 1: label checkfoodprice 2: ifgoto ( m_context.sellPrice(0) < 5 ) buyfood 3: loop 4: label buyfood 5: buy food 9999999 5 6: goto checkfoodprice A simple script like that will keep checking the price of food and post a bid every time it drops below 5