
reinforce xxx,yyy hero-string troop:xxx resource:xxx HH:MM:SS (or @:HH:MM 24hr Clock)


reinforce 111,222 none t:100 f:10000 @:9:30
reinforce 111,222 ken a:90000,w:10000

First example will reinforce 111,222 with 10,000 food using 100 transporters at 9:30 Second example will reinforce 111,222 with hero ken, 90k archers and 10k warriors

When reinforcing a hero from one city to another via scout, you do not need to include s:1, it will be automatically assumed.

See HeroString for details on how to setup the hero string for this script.


Reinforce (last edited 2016-07-28 22:40:45 by Inanna)