
scanrec topLeftCornerCoords bottomRightCornerCoords


scanrec 0,0 799,799

Used to update information on a previously scanned map rectangle.

You will use the top left corner coordinates and bottom right corner coordinates to scan an area in between (the same as ScanMap).

In the above example, you would scan the map from 0,0 (top left corner) to 799,799 (bottom right corner) which would be the entire map.

To scan a specific state, you can use the following coordinates:

scanrec 0,0 199,199
scanrec 200,0 399,199
//North March
scanrec 400,0 599,199
scanrec 600,0 799,199
//Lower Lorraine
scanrec 0,200 199,399
scanrec 200,200 399,399
scanrec 400,200 599,399
scanrec 600,200 799,399
//Upper Lorraine
scanrec 0,400 199,599
scanrec 200,400 399,599
scanrec 400,400 599,599
scanrec 600,400 799,599
scanrec 0,600 199,799
scanrec 200,600 399,799
scanrec 400,600 599,799
scanrec 600,600 799,799


ScanRec (last edited 2015-08-18 01:44:44 by Inanna)