
setguard xxx,yyy target_troops target_walls


attack 111,222 any w:100000,a:100,s:100,p:100,sw:100
scout 111,222 any s:100000
setguard 111,222 a:60000,cav:50000,ab:100

This allows you to launch an attack and have it monitored for certain troop and wall conditions, and recall if they're exceeded. **NOTE** You must have a wall condition for the SetGuard to work.

As an example of a way to monitor a npc10 to make sure it's still a npc10 and not a player:

attack xxx,yyy bob c:99k,s:1k
scout xxx,yyy fred s:1
setguard xxx,yyy wo:1,w:400001,s:1,p:1,sw:1,a:1,c:1,cata:1,t:1,b:1,r:1,cp:1 at:5000,tre:2000

This says to send your cav/scout attack at the target, then send 1 scout, then setguard on that attack with those conditions on that 3rd line.

If the 1 scout dies, the attack is recalled.
If the 1 scout fails to get a report, the attack is recalled.
If the 1 scout peeks inside the target and sees any of those amounts of troops or walls in the city, the attack is recalled.

If it has below those amounts of troops or walls, the attack is allowed to continue.

You can add a sleep or landing time in on the scout so that it'll get there a few seconds before the attack does, so that you aren't scouting too soon.


SetGuard (last edited 2013-05-09 18:08:12 by Inanna)