||Usage: ||setmayor attribute || ||<#F2F2F2 style="border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170);padding:0.2em; ">Example: ||setmayor pol || Valid Arguments: .{{{ att or atk or attack pol or politics int or intel or intelligence none or remove }}} This command will change your current mayor for one of the specified attributes or will demote the mayor completely. It automatically selects the highest level of the attribute that you specify. This is very useful when creating, upgrading and demolishing buildings via script, as you can specify the highest level politic hero you have to go into office. Capturing a npc10 and only have a level 9 Feasting hall in one city? You can remove the mayor with this command to make sure he marches with the rest of the troops. '''examples:''' .{{{ // appoints highest politic hero to mayor setmayor pol // appoints highest attack hero to mayor setmayor att // appoints highest intel hero to mayor setmayor int // demotes current mayor setmayor remove setmayor none }}} ---- ScriptHero