This is an example of how to convert CSV output ("members" command in this case) to an array of objects. It also shows how you can process numeric/string/date fields differently and easily sort them. {{{ command "members" execute "members = [ " + $result.replace(/^(".*?"),(".*?"),"(.*?)","(.*?)",(".*?"),"(.*?)","(.*?)".*?$/gm, "\{ lord:$1, position:$2,prestige:$3,honor:$4,lastlogin:date($5),cities:$6,population:$7 \}").split("\n").splice(1).join(",\n") + " ]" top = members.sortOn("prestige", 18)[0] echo "Highest prestige member is " + top.lord + ", prestige=" + FormatNumber(top.prestige) last = members.sortOn("lastlogin", 18)[0] echo "Most recent login is " + last.lord + ", login=" + last.lastlogin }}} ---- ScriptExamples