The following functions can be used to manipulate and retrieve string details from objects and variables. These should be written in the following formats: . ''variable.function(arguments)'', example - ''myVar.subStr(3,2)'' if your variable name was "myVar" and you wanted to use subStr() to find the 2 characters that begin 3 from the left. . ''object.function(arguments)'', example - ''city.coords.split(",")'' if you wanted to split the coordinates of your city into an array to determine the seperate x and y values using the split() function. Click each function name in the table below for more details of it, with examples. '''Functions''' ||'''Function ''' ||<#cccccc>'''Type''' ||<#cccccc>'''Description ''' |||| || || ||[[#CenterPad|CenterPad]] ||String ||Prepends and appends spaces (or specified character) to a string to form string of the desired length. || ||[[#charAt|charAt]] ||String ||Returns the character in the position specified by the index parameter. || ||[[#charCodeAt|charCodeAt]] ||Number ||Returns the numeric Unicode character code of the character at the specified index. || ||[[#concat|concat]] ||String ||Appends the supplied arguments to the end of the String object, converting them to strings if necessary, and returns the resulting string. || ||[[#fromCharCode|fromCharCode]] ||String ||Returns a string comprising the characters represented by the Unicode character codes in the parameters. || ||[[#indexOf|indexOf]] ||int ||Searches the string and returns the position of the first occurrence of val found at or after startIndex within the calling string. || ||[[#lastIndexOf|lastIndexOf]] ||int ||Searches the string from right to left and returns the index of the last occurrence of val found before startIndex. || ||[[#LeftPad|LeftPad]] ||String ||Prepends spaces (or specified character) to a string to form string of the desired length. || ||[[#localeCompare|localeCompare]] ||int ||Compares the sort order of two or more strings and returns the result of the comparison as an integer. || ||[[#match|match]] ||Array ||Matches the specifed pattern against the string. || ||[[#Merge|Merge]] ||String ||Concatenate str1 and str2 together, delim is inserted between strings if both strings are not empty || ||[[#replace|replace]] ||String ||Matches the specifed pattern against the string and returns a new string in which the first match of pattern is replaced with the content specified by repl. || ||[[#RightPad|RightPad]] ||String ||Appends spaces (or specified character) to a string to form string of the desired length. || ||[[#search|search]] ||int ||Searches for the specifed pattern and returns the index of the first matching substring. || ||[[#slice|slice]] ||String ||Returns a string that includes the startIndex character and all characters up to, but not including, the endIndex character. || ||[[#split|split]] ||Array ||Splits a String object into an array of substrings by dividing it wherever the specified delimiter parameter occurs. || ||[[#StringRepeat|StringRepeat]] ||String ||Makes a string consisting of spaces (or of specified string) repeated count times. || ||[[#StringToObject|StringToObject]] ||String ||Parses and converts strings with parameters into object. || ||[[#substr|substr]] ||String ||Returns a substring consisting of the characters that start at the specified startIndex and with a length specified by len. || ||[[#substring|substring]] ||String ||Returns a string consisting of the character specified by startIndex and all characters up to endIndex - 1. || ||[[#ToCSV|ToCSV]] ||String ||Converts arguments to comma-separated string with values enclosed in qouble quotes. || ||[[#toLocaleLowerCase|toLocaleLowerCase]] ||String ||Returns a copy of this string, with all uppercase characters converted to lowercase. || ||[[#toLocaleUpperCase|toLocaleUpperCase]] ||String ||Returns a copy of this string, with all lowercase characters converted to uppercase. || ||[[#toLowerCase|toLowerCase]] ||String ||Returns a copy of this string, with all uppercase characters converted to lowercase. || ||[[#toUpperCase|toUpperCase]] ||String ||Returns a copy of this string, with all lowercase characters converted to uppercase. || ||[[#Upper1|Upper1]] ||String ||Upper cases the first letter of a string. || ||[[#valueOf|valueOf]] ||String ||Returns the primitive value of a String instance. || ||[[#FormatMiles|FormatMiles]] ||int ||Converts number to a string, e.g. "2.34 miles". || ||[[#FormatNumber|FormatNumber]] ||int ||Formats number with specified precision, e.g. "2,346". || ||[[#FormatNumber2|FormatNumber2]] ||int ||Formats numbers with 2 decimal places, e.g. "2,345.56". || ||[[#FormatPercent|FormatPercent]] ||int ||Formats number as percentage, e.g. "9.1%". || = CenterPad = '''Usage:''' !CenterPad(str, targetLength, optional padChar = " ") Prepends and appends spaces (or specified character) to a string to form string of the desired length. '''Example:''' . echo !CenterPad("This is a test", 25, ".") '''Result:''' . .....This is a test...... = charAt = '''Usage:''' charAt(#) Returns the character in the position specified by the index parameter. '''Example:''' . // Don't forget almost all internal "counting" starts at 0, not at 1... . // so the 5th character would actually be 0, 1, 2, 3, '''4''' <--- 4! . var="hello" . echo "The 5th letter in the word hello is: " + var.charAt(4) '''Result:''' . The 5th letter in the word hello is: o = charCodeAt = '''Usage:''' charCodeAt(#) Returns the numeric Unicode character code of the character at the specified index. '''Example:''' . var="hello" . echo "The numeric code of the 5th letter in the word hello is: " + var.charCodeAt(4) '''Result:''' . The numeric code of the 5th letter in the word hello is: 111 = concat = '''Usage:''' concat(arg1,arg2,...,argN) Appends the supplied arguments to the end of the String object, converting them to strings if necessary, and returns the resulting string. '''Example:''' . var="oompa" . var2="loompa" . var3="dance" . echo var.concat(var2," ",var3) '''Result:''' . oompaloompa dance = fromCharCode = '''Usage:''' fromCharCode() Returns a string comprising the characters represented by the Unicode character codes in the parameters. '''Example:''' .echo String.fromCharCode(70) '''Result:''' .F = indexOf = '''Usage:''' IndexOf() Searches the string and returns the position of the first occurrence of val found at or after startIndex within the calling string. '''Example:''' .string = "this is a test string." .echo string.indexOf("test") '''Result:''' .10 = lastIndexOf = '''Usage:''' lastIndexOf() Searches the string from right to left and returns the index of the last occurrence of val found before startIndex. '''Example:''' .string = "this is another test string." .echo string.lastIndexOf("test") '''Result:''' .16 = LeftPad = '''Usage:''' !LeftPad(str, targetLength, optional padChar = " ") Prepends spaces (or specified character) to a string to form string of the desired length. '''Example:''' . echo !LeftPad("This is a test", 25, ".") '''Result:''' . ...........This is a test = localeCompare = '''Usage:''' localeCompare() Compares the sort order of two or more strings and returns the result of the comparison as an integer. '''Example:''' .string = "abc" .echo "def".localeCompare(string) '''Result:''' .3 = match = '''Usage:''' match() Matches the specified pattern against the string. Usage of "/g" allows global search (returns multiple results if there's multiple instances). '''Example:''' .string = "This is just a simple test string." .echo string.match(/is/g) '''Result:''' .is,is = Merge = '''Usage:''' Merge(str1, str2, optional delim = " ") Concatenate str1 and str2 together, delim is inserted between strings if both strings are not empty. '''Example:''' . echo Merge("This is a test", "of the Emergency Broadcast System") . echo Merge("One plus One", "Two", " = ") '''Result:''' . This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System . One plus One = Two = RightPad = '''Usage:''' !RightPad(str, targetLength, optional padChar = " ") Appends spaces (or specified character) to a string to form string of the desired length. '''Example:''' . echo !RightPad("This is a test", 25, ".") '''Result:''' . This is a test........... = replace = '''Usage:''' replace( , ) Matches the specified pattern against the string and returns a new string in which the first match of pattern is replaced with the content specified. '''Example:''' .string = "yet another test string" .echo string.replace("test", "dull test") '''Result:''' .yet another dull test string = search = '''Usage:''' search() Searches for the specified pattern and returns the index of the first matching sub-string. '''Example:''' .string = "yet another test string" .echo"another") '''Result:''' .4 = slice = '''Usage:''' slice( , ) Returns a string that includes the startIndex character and all characters up to, but not including, the endIndex character. '''Example:''' .string = "Hello World!" .echo string.slice(1,5) '''Result:''' .ello = split = '''Usage:''' split("delimiter") Splits a String object into an array of substrings by dividing it wherever the specified delimiter parameter occurs. '''Example:''' . mycoords=city.coords.split(",") . echo "x:" + mycoords[0] + " y:" + mycoords[1] '''Result:''' . x:746 y:34 = StringRepeat = '''Usage:''' !StringRepeat(count, optional str = " ") Makes a string consisting of spaces (or of specified string) repeated count times. '''Example:''' . echo !StringRepeat(25, ".") . echo !StringRepeat(25, "Test") . echo !StringRepeat(25, "Test ") '''Result:''' . ......................... . !TestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTest . Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test = StringToObject = '''Usage:''' !StringToObject(str, delim1, delim2, optional result = null) Parses and converts strings with parameters into object. '''Example:''' . str = "test1:no1,test2:no2" . o = !StringToObject(str,",",":") . echo o.test2 '''Result:''' . no2 = substr = '''Usage:''' substr(first, last) Returns a substring consisting of the characters that start at the specified startIndex and with a length specified by len. '''Example:''' .string = "Hello World!" .echo string.substr(1,4) '''Result:''' .ello = substring = '''Usage:''' substring(first, last) Returns a string consisting of the character specified by startIndex and all characters up to endIndex - 1. '''Example:''' .string = "Hello World!" .echo string.substring(1,4) '''Result:''' .ell = ToCSV = '''Usage:''' ToCSV(...args) Converts arguments to comma-separated string with values enclosedi in qouble quotes. '''Example:''' . who = "Bob" . what = "Cap his city" . when = date() . echo ToCSV(who, what, when) '''Result:''' . "Bob","Cap his city","Tue Feb 11 19:59:38 GMT-0500 2014" = toLocaleLowerCase = '''Usage:''' toLocaleLowerCase() Returns a copy of this string, with all uppercase characters converted to lowercase. '''Example:''' .string = "tHIs Is a mEssAge." .echo string.toLocaleLowerCase() '''Result:''' .this is a message. = toLocaleUpperCase = '''Usage:''' toLocaleUpperCase() Returns a copy of this string, with all lowercase characters converted to uppercase. '''Example:''' .string = "tHIs Is a mEssAge." .echo string.toLocaleUpperCase() '''Result:''' .THIS IS A MESSAGE. = toLowerCase = '''Usage:''' toLowerCase() Returns a copy of this string, with all uppercase characters converted to lowercase. '''Example:''' .string = "tHIs Is a mEssAge." .echo string.toLowerCase() '''Result:''' .this is a message. = toUpperCase = '''Usage:''' Returns a copy of this string, with all lowercase characters converted to uppercase. '''Example:''' .string = "tHIs Is a mEssAge." .echo string.toupperCase() '''Result:''' .THIS IS A MESSAGE. = Upper1 = '''Usage:''' Upper1(str) Upper cases the first letter of a string. '''Example:''' . echo Upper1("testing") '''Result:''' . Testing = valueOf = '''Usage:''' valueOf() Returns the primitive value of a String instance. '''Example:''' .string = "this is a message." .echo string.valueOf() '''Result:''' .this is a message. = FormatMiles = '''Usage:''' !FormatMiles(number) Converts number to a string like "2.34 miles". '''Example:''' . echo !FormatMiles(123) . echo !FormatMiles(123.4) '''Result:''' . 123.00 miles . 123.40 miles = FormatNumber = '''Usage:''' !FormatNumber(number, optional precision = 0, optional useThousandsSeparator = true) Formats number with specified precision. Default has no decimal places, e.g. "2,346" '''Example:''' . echo !FormatNumber("1234567") . echo !FormatNumber("1234567","2") '''Result:''' . 1,234,567 . 1,234,567.00 = FormatNumber2 = '''Usage:''' !FormatNumber2(number, optional precision = 0, optional useThousandsSeparator = true) Formats number with 2 decimal places, e.g. "2,345.56". '''Example:''' . echo !FormatNumber2("1234567") '''Result:''' . 1,234,567.00 = FormatPercent = '''Usage:''' !FormatPercent(number, optional presision = 1) Formats number as percentage. '''Example:''' . echo !FormatPercent("1") . echo !FormatPercent("0.25","0") . echo !FormatPercent("0.25","2") '''Result:''' . 100.0% . 25% . 25.00% ---- CategoryFunctions