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    • Diff for "TroopAndResourceTotals"
    Differences between revisions 11 and 26 (spanning 15 versions)
    Revision 11 as of 2013-12-20 21:13:55
    Size: 2258
    Editor: Inanna
    Revision 26 as of 2015-04-26 02:36:41
    Size: 2776
    Editor: Inanna
    Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
    Line 1: Line 1:
    ## page was renamed from TroopTotals
    This script will echo your troop & resource (including population) totals for each city and for your entire account. <<BR>>
    Troop upkeep per city and total for account added as well. Note it shows upkeep with vesta, etc. buffs factored in, not unbuffed.
    This script will echo your troop & resource totals for each city and for your entire account. <<BR>>
    Line 5: Line 3:
    For older bots, use the script in the second code box below.
    // --------------------------------
    // Troop & Resource Totals
    // --------------------------------
    res = GetResources("f:0")
    troops = GetTroops("a:0")
    upkeep = 0
    echo "{CenterPad("\nTOTAL TROOPS:\n", 43, "=")}\n{TroopBeanToString(troops,"\n")}\nUpkeep:{FormatNumber(upkeep)}\n\n{CenterPad("\nTOTAL RESOURCES:\n", 52, "=")}\nGold:{FormatNumber(res.gold)}\nFood:{FormatNumber(res.food)}\nWood:{FormatNumber(res.wood)}\nStone:{FormatNumber(res.stone)}\nIron:{FormatNumber(res.iron)}"
    Line 6: Line 16:
    Line 10: Line 23:
    // Inny bloated it with the resource stuff :P // Requires NeatBot 3010 or later
    Line 13: Line 26:
    // set this to 1 if you want individual city troopcounts displayed too, 0 if not // set this to 1 if you want individual city troop/res counts displayed too, 0 if not
    Line 20: Line 33:
    res = GetResources("f:0")
    Line 23: Line 37:
    g = 0
    f = 0
    w = 0
    s = 0
    i = 0
    Line 34: Line 43:
    up = up + c.resource.troopCostFood
    cres = c.resetEstResource()
    Line 36: Line 47:
    up = up + c.resource.troopCostFood
    g = g + c.resource.gold
    f = f + c.resource.food.amount
    w = w + c.resource.wood.amount
    s = s + c.resource.stone.amount
    i = i + c.resource.iron.amount
    if showcities echo c.name + " - " + TroopBeanToString(tr, ",") + " (Upkeep: " + floor(c.resource.troopCostFood) + ")"
    if showcities echo "City " + c.name + " - " + TroopBeanToString(tr, ",") + " (Upkeep: " + FormatNumber(c.resource.troopCostFood) + ")\nGold: " + FormatNumber(cres.gold) + " Food: " + FormatNumber(cres.food) + " Wood: " + FormatNumber(cres.wood) + " Stone: " + FormatNumber(cres.stone) + " Iron: " + FormatNumber(cres.iron) + " Population: " + floor(pop) + " of " + floor(popmax)
    Line 44: Line 49:
    dummy = cres.addTo(res)
    Line 47: Line 53:
    if up >= 1b up = round(up / 1000000000,2) + "B"
    if up < 1b up = round(up / 1000000,2) + "M"
    if g >= 1b g = round(g / 1000000000,2) + "B"
    if g < 1b g = round(g / 1000000,2) + "M"
    if f >= 1b f = round(f / 1000000000,2) + "B"
    if f < 1b f = round(f / 1000000,2) + "M"
    if w >= 1b w = round(w / 1000000000,2) + "B"
    if w < 1b w = round(w / 1000000,2) + "M"
    if s >= 1b s = round(s / 1000000000,2) + "B"
    if s < 1b s = round(s / 1000000,2) + "M"
    if i >= 1b i = round(i / 1000000000,2) + "B"
    if i < 1b i = round(i / 1000000,2) + "M"

    echo "TOTAL TROOPS:\n" + TroopBeanToString(t, "\n") + "\n*** Upkeep: " + up + " ***"
    echo "TOTAL RESOURCES:\nTotal Gold: " + g + "\nTotal Food: " + f + "\nTotal Wood: " + w + "\nTotal Stone: " + s + "\nTotal Iron: " + i + "\nPopulation: " + floor(pop) + " of " + floor(popmax)
    echo "===========================\nTOTAL TROOPS\n===========================\n" + TroopBeanToString(t, "\n") + "\n(Upkeep: " + FormatNumber(up) + ")\n===========================\nTOTAL RESOURCES\n===========================\nGold: " + FormatNumber(res.gold) + "\nFood: " + FormatNumber(res.food) + "\nWood: " + FormatNumber(res.wood) + "\nStone: " + FormatNumber(res.stone) + "\nIron: " + FormatNumber(res.iron) + "\n(Pop: " + FormatNumber(pop) + " of " + FormatNumber(popmax) + ")\n==========================="

    This script will echo your troop & resource totals for each city and for your entire account.

    For older bots, use the script in the second code box below.

    // --------------------------------
    // Troop & Resource Totals
    // --------------------------------
    res = GetResources("f:0")
    troops = GetTroops("a:0")
    upkeep = 0
    echo "{CenterPad("\nTOTAL TROOPS:\n", 43, "=")}\n{TroopBeanToString(troops,"\n")}\nUpkeep:{FormatNumber(upkeep)}\n\n{CenterPad("\nTOTAL RESOURCES:\n", 52, "=")}\nGold:{FormatNumber(res.gold)}\nFood:{FormatNumber(res.food)}\nWood:{FormatNumber(res.wood)}\nStone:{FormatNumber(res.stone)}\nIron:{FormatNumber(res.iron)}"


    // =======================================================
    // Troop & Resource Totals For Each City & Entire Account
    // Originally by romulus
    // Requires NeatBot 3010 or later
    // =======================================================
    // set this to 1 if you want individual city troop/res counts displayed too, 0 if not
    showcities = 0
    mycities = cities.concat()
    echo "ACCOUNT TOTALS: Found " + mycities.length + " castle(s)"
    echo "Please wait. Calculating..."
    t = GetTroops("a:0")
    res = GetResources("f:0")
    pop = 0
    popmax = 0
    up = 0
    label mainLoop
    c = mycities.shift()
    if !c goto end
    c = c.cityManager
    tr = c.getAvailableTroop()
    up = up + c.resource.troopCostFood
    cres = c.resetEstResource()
    popmax = popmax + c.resource.maxPopulation
    pop = pop + c.resource.curPopulation
    if showcities echo "City " + c.name + " - " + TroopBeanToString(tr, ",") + " (Upkeep: " + FormatNumber(c.resource.troopCostFood) + ")\nGold: " + FormatNumber(cres.gold) + " Food: " + FormatNumber(cres.food) + " Wood: " + FormatNumber(cres.wood) + " Stone: " + FormatNumber(cres.stone) + " Iron: " + FormatNumber(cres.iron) + " Population: " + floor(pop) + " of " + floor(popmax)
    dummy = tr.addTo(t)
    dummy = cres.addTo(res)
    goto mainLoop
    label end
    echo "===========================\nTOTAL TROOPS\n===========================\n" + TroopBeanToString(t, "\n") + "\n(Upkeep: " + FormatNumber(up) + ")\n===========================\nTOTAL RESOURCES\n===========================\nGold: " + FormatNumber(res.gold) + "\nFood: " + FormatNumber(res.food) + "\nWood: " + FormatNumber(res.wood) + "\nStone: " + FormatNumber(res.stone) + "\nIron: " + FormatNumber(res.iron) + "\n(Pop: " + FormatNumber(pop) + " of " + FormatNumber(popmax) + ")\n==========================="


    TroopAndResourceTotals (last edited 2015-04-26 02:36:41 by Inanna)