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    • Diff for "TroopAndResourceTotals"
    Differences between revisions 2 and 18 (spanning 16 versions)
    Revision 2 as of 2013-11-21 02:30:46
    Size: 1018
    Editor: Inanna
    Revision 18 as of 2015-02-04 22:36:47
    Size: 2507
    Editor: Inanna
    Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
    Line 1: Line 1:
    This script will echo your troop totals for each city and for your entire account. This script will echo your troop & resource (including population) totals for each city and for your entire account. <<BR>>
    Troop upkeep per city and total for account added as well. Note it shows upkeep with vesta, etc. buffs factored in, not unbuffed.
    Line 3: Line 4:
    For older bots use the script in the second code box below.'''
    Line 4: Line 7:
    // gets total troops in all cities
    // script by romulus
    // ====== Find total troops across all cities ========
    total = GetTroops("a:0")
    cities.forEach(CreateFunction("city,ind,arr", "total.add(city.cityManager.getAvailableTroop())"))
    echo "Total troops in all cities is:\n" + TroopBeanToString(total, "\n")

    // =======================================================
    // Troop & Resource Totals For Each City & Entire Account
    // Originally by romulus
    // Requires NeatBot 3010 or later
    // =======================================================

    // set this to 1 if you want individual city troop/res counts displayed too, 0 if not
    showcities = 0
    Line 7: Line 27:
    echo "TOTAL TROOPS: Found " + mycities.length + " castle(s)" echo "ACCOUNT TOTALS: Found " + mycities.length + " castle(s)"
    echo "Please wait. Calculating..."
    Line 9: Line 30:
    res = GetResources("f:0")
    pop = 0
    popmax = 0
    up = 0
    Line 12: Line 37:
    if c c = c.cityManager
    if c tr = c.getAvailableTroop()
    if c echo c.name + " - " + TroopBeanToString(tr, ",")
    if c dummy = tr.addTo(t)
    if c goto mainLoop
    if !c goto end
    c = c.cityManager
    tr = c.getAvailableTroop()
    up = up + c.resource.troopCostFood
    cres = c.resetEstResource()
    popmax = popmax + c.resource.maxPopulation
    pop = pop + c.resource.curPopulation
    if showcities echo "City " + c.name + " - " + TroopBeanToString(tr, ",") + " (Upkeep: " + FormatNumber(c.resource.troopCostFood) + ")\nGold: " + FormatNumber(cres.gold) + " Food: " + FormatNumber(cres.food) + " Wood: " + FormatNumber(cres.wood) + " Stone: " + FormatNumber(cres.stone) + " Iron: " + FormatNumber(cres.iron) + " Population: " + floor(pop) + " of " + floor(popmax)
    dummy = tr.addTo(t)
    dummy = cres.addTo(res)
    goto mainLoop
    Line 18: Line 49:
    echo "TOTAL TROOPS:\n" + TroopBeanToString(t, "\n") label end
    echo "===========================\nTOTAL TROOPS\n===========================\n" + TroopBeanToString(t, "\n") + "\n(Upkeep: " + FormatNumber(up) + ")\n===========================\nTOTAL RESOURCES\n===========================\nGold: " + FormatNumber(res.gold) + "\nFood: " + FormatNumber(res.food) + "\nWood: " + FormatNumber(res.wood) + "\nStone: " + FormatNumber(res.stone) + "\nIron: " + FormatNumber(res.iron) + "\n(Pop: " + FormatNumber(pop) + " of " + FormatNumber(popmax) + ")\n==========================="
    Line 21: Line 53:
    This is the same thing, only just the account totals and not individual cities included too.

    // gets total troops in all cities
    // script by romulus
    mycities = cities.concat()
    echo "TOTAL TROOPS: Found " + mycities.length + " castle(s)"
    t = GetTroops("a:0")

    label mainLoop
    c = mycities.shift()
    if c c = c.cityManager
    if c tr = c.getAvailableTroop()
    if c dummy = tr.addTo(t)
    if c goto mainLoop

    echo "TOTAL TROOPS:\n" + TroopBeanToString(t, "\n")

    This script will echo your troop & resource (including population) totals for each city and for your entire account.
    Troop upkeep per city and total for account added as well. Note it shows upkeep with vesta, etc. buffs factored in, not unbuffed.

    For older bots use the script in the second code box below.

    // ====== Find total troops across all cities ========
    total = GetTroops("a:0")
    cities.forEach(CreateFunction("city,ind,arr", "total.add(city.cityManager.getAvailableTroop())"))
    echo "Total troops in all cities is:\n" + TroopBeanToString(total, "\n")


    // =======================================================
    // Troop & Resource Totals For Each City & Entire Account
    // Originally by romulus
    // Requires NeatBot 3010 or later
    // =======================================================
    // set this to 1 if you want individual city troop/res counts displayed too, 0 if not
    showcities = 0
    mycities = cities.concat()
    echo "ACCOUNT TOTALS: Found " + mycities.length + " castle(s)"
    echo "Please wait. Calculating..."
    t = GetTroops("a:0")
    res = GetResources("f:0")
    pop = 0
    popmax = 0
    up = 0
    label mainLoop
    c = mycities.shift()
    if !c goto end
    c = c.cityManager
    tr = c.getAvailableTroop()
    up = up + c.resource.troopCostFood
    cres = c.resetEstResource()
    popmax = popmax + c.resource.maxPopulation
    pop = pop + c.resource.curPopulation
    if showcities echo "City " + c.name + " - " + TroopBeanToString(tr, ",") + " (Upkeep: " + FormatNumber(c.resource.troopCostFood) + ")\nGold: " + FormatNumber(cres.gold) + " Food: " + FormatNumber(cres.food) + " Wood: " + FormatNumber(cres.wood) + " Stone: " + FormatNumber(cres.stone) + " Iron: " + FormatNumber(cres.iron) + " Population: " + floor(pop) + " of " + floor(popmax)
    dummy = tr.addTo(t)
    dummy = cres.addTo(res)
    goto mainLoop
    label end
    echo "===========================\nTOTAL TROOPS\n===========================\n" + TroopBeanToString(t, "\n") + "\n(Upkeep: " + FormatNumber(up) + ")\n===========================\nTOTAL RESOURCES\n===========================\nGold: " + FormatNumber(res.gold) + "\nFood: " + FormatNumber(res.food) + "\nWood: " + FormatNumber(res.wood) + "\nStone: " + FormatNumber(res.stone) + "\nIron: " + FormatNumber(res.iron) + "\n(Pop: " + FormatNumber(pop) + " of " + FormatNumber(popmax) + ")\n==========================="


    TroopAndResourceTotals (last edited 2015-04-26 02:36:41 by Inanna)