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    Revision 2 as of 2012-12-06 18:45:08

    Clear message

    This is nothing fancy, just a big list of newly available objects and functions that are not yet documented in the wiki. The number at the start is the bot version it was added in. Thanks to Dismayed for the changelog summary :)

    2698    Added "isAvailable" to HeroBean object (returns true if hero is not busy and either mayor or idle)
    2695    Eliminated MapCastles(x,y,r) [use more flexible CastleInRectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2) instead]
    2693    Renamed updateDetailInfo() to UpdateDetailInfo()
    2683    Renamed stateName() to StateName() (the function converts numeric castle's "state" property to name)
    2676    Added 2 additional (optional) boolean parameters to CastlesInRectangle():
            5th parameter is whether to omit NPCs from results (default: Yes)
    2676    6th parameter is whether to return array indexed by castle id (Yes) or zero-based (No) (default: No)
    2676    list = CastlesInRectangle(123, 234, 156, 274, false, true) // include NPCs into results, and also use castle id as index
            id = GetFieldId(142, 255)
    2676    castle = list[id] // this works because of 6th parameter in CastlesInRectangle() call set to true
            ifgosub castle found // same as "ifgosub castle != null found"
    2670    Added ResetMap function allowing to clear cached map data (used by rescanmap/rescanrec):
            a = ResetMap(x,y,radius)       // resets circular area with center at x,y
               Example 2:
            a = ResetMap(x,y,width,height) // resets rectangular area with start at x,y
            In both examples, "a" is dummy variable (will be assigned null).2670    
    2670    Added support for city.x and city.y (returning x and y coordinates of the city)
            x = GetX(city.fieldId) // x-coordinate of the city
            x = city.x // simpler way to do the same
    2669    GetFieldType(str) - converts valley name to type
            GetFieldName(integer) - converts valley type to name
    2669    FindField(cx, cy, distance, fieldType, [fieldLevel]) - returns array of fields within specified distance from cx,cy
            x = GetX(city.fieldId)
    2669    y = GetY(city.fieldId)
    2668    Resource objects can now be auto-converted to string as needed
            For example:
    2668    echo city.myArmies[0].resource // outputs human-readable string representing resources carried by first army
            Renamed getResources() to GetResources()
    2662    Added support for haunted castle items and increased army sizes (to be further refined)
            Reserved resources now include amount needed to do 1-time comforting if city has non-zero grievance
    2651    Added support for array constructors (nested arrays constructors are fully supported)
    2651    colors = [ "green", "red", "yellow" ]
            fruits = [ "pear", "apple", "banana" ]
    2651    echo colors[1] // outputs "red"
            echo fruits[0] // outputs "pear"
    2651    str = colors[1] + " " + fruits[1]
            echo "I like " + str + "s" // outputs "I like red apples"
    2651    Added support for object constructors (nested object constructors are fully supported)
            message = { user:"bucks", text:"What's wrong with you?" }
    2651    execute "whisper " + message.user + " " + message.text
            Added support for unary -, + and ! (not)
    2651    a = -2 < 3 // true
            b = !a // false
    2651    text = "some text"
            xx = !text // false
    2651    Added date() function
            d = date(2012, 9, 24, 10, 30) // note, months are counted from 0,output below is for EST time zone
    2651    echo d.toString() // outputs "Wed Oct 24 10:30:00 GMT-0400 2012"
            echo d.toUTCString() // outputs "Wed Oct 24 14:30:00 2012 UTC"
    2650    Changed first letter to capital in the following functions
    2650    TroopBeanToString, GetTroops, GetFortifications
    2650    Renamed "getFoodConsumeRate" to "foodConsumeRate" in troop bean
            Example: Find food consumtpion for a specified troop string
    2650    mytroops = GetTroops("a:30k,b:40k,w:1,p:1,sw:1") // convert troop string to TroopBean object
            ifgoto mytroops continue
    2650    echo "Error in troop string"
    2650    echo "Food consumption of " + TroopBeanToString(mytroops, ",") + " is " + mytroops.foodConsumeRate + " per hour"
            echo "Food consumption per 1 minute is " + mytroops.foodConsumption(60)
    2644    Renamed FieldIdToCompareString() to FieldIdToCoords()
            Added "coords" property support to field beans
    2644    field = city.fields[0]
            echo "Field 1 is " + field.name + ", coordinates are: " + FieldIdToCoords(field.id) // outputs something like "Field 1 is Forest, coordinates are: 123,456"
    2644    echo "Field 1 is " + field.name + ", coordinates are: " + GetX(field.id) + "," + GetY(field.id) // same output
            echo "Field 1 is " + field.name + ", coordinates are: " + field.coords // same output
    2643    - these functions (all use field id as parameter) renamed to start with upper-case letter:
            GetLevel, GetType, GetZoneName, GetX, GetY
    2643    - added MapDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) function returning distance between (x1,y1) an (x2,y2) on the map
    2635    New BuyPrice() and SellPrice() functions use up to 3 parameters: resource, amount, method
            resource (required): 0 - food, 1 - wood, 2 - stone, 3 - iron
    2635    amount (optional, default = 1): desired amount of resource
            method (optional, default = 0): 0 - "now", 1 - "average" (see explanation below)
    2635    Method 0 ("now" - default) returns the price to buy or sell the specified amount of resources without waiting.
            Method 1 ("average") returns average price needed to buy or sell the specified amount of resources
    2635    BuyPrice(resource) is same as m_context.buyPrice(resource)
            SellPrice(resource) is same as m_context.sellPrice(resource)
    2634    Added "return" (same as "gosubreturn")
            Added support for "NaN" (special constant representing "not a number" value) and isNaN() function
    2634    a = NaN
            b = a + 2
    2634    echo isNaN(b) // outputs "true"
            Added support for "Infinity" (special constant representing infinitly large number) and isFinite() function
    2634    a = 0
            b = 2 / a // division by zero!
    2634    echo isFinite(b) // outputs "false"
    2631    Added support for various map-related functions in expressions (function availability and exact names/parameters are subject to change!)
            Example 1 (prints list of up to 10 enemies, unsorted):
    2631    enemies = SearchEnemyCastles(10)
            i = 0
    2631    label loop1
            ifgoto i >= enemies.length exit
    2631    castle = enemies[i]
            i = i + 1
    2631    echo "Enemy " + i + ":" fieldIdToCompareString(castle.id) castle.name castle.userName castle.allianceName castle.prestige castle.honor
            goto loop1
    2631    label exit
            Example 2 (prints info for a specific map coordinates, uses cached info, if available)
    2631    x = 123
            y = 456
    2631    id = GetFieIdId(x,y)
            label notyet
    2631    castle = GetDetailInfo(id, true)
            ifgoto castle == null notyet
    2631    echo "lord=" + castle.userName "alliance=" + castle.allianceName "R=" + castle.relation
    2630    Added support for "<>" operator (same as "!=") in expressions
            Added inline support for the following math functions:
    2630    abs(), acos(), asin(), atan(), atan2(), cos(), sin(), tan(),
            exp(), pow(), log(),
    2630    ceil(), floor(), round(), max(), min()
            random(), sqrt()
    2630    Added access to the following constants:
            PI, E, SQRT1_2 (square root of 2 divided by 2), SQRT2 (square root of 2)
    2630    LN2 (logarithm of 2), LN10 (logarithm of 10), LOG10E (base 10 ogarithm of E), LOG2E (base 2 logarithm of E)
            Added support for various resource-related functions and constants
    2630    res = RESOURCETYPE_WOOD
            echo "Resource type " + res + " is for " + ResourceNames[res]
    2629    Variables can hold value of any time (number, string, array/function/oibject reference)
            Expressions are supported in ifgoto/ifgosub
    2629    Example 1: Simple math
            a = 2
    2629    b = 3
            c = a + b // c is 5 now
    2629    c = c + 1 // c is 6 now
            d = (a + b) (c - 1)
    2629    echo a b c d // outputs 2 3 6 25
            Example 2: String operations
    2629    text1 = "Hello"
            text2 = "world"
    2629    result = text1 + ", " + text2 + "!"
            len = result.length
    2629    echo result // outputs "Hello, world!"
            echo len // 13
    2629    echo result.indexOf("o") // 4
            Example 3: References:
    2629    echo "List of heroes in " + m_city.cityManager.name + ":"
            heroes = m_city.cityManager.heroes
    2629    i = 0
            count = heroes.length
    2629    ifgoto i>=count done // note, round brackets are optional and spaces between operands are not required
            label loop1
    2629    i = i + 1
            echo i + ". " + heroes[i].name
    2629    goto loop1
            label done
    2629    Example 4: Function references
            ask = m_context.buyPrice // note, buyPrice is a function!
    2629    res = 0
            label resloop
    2629    echo "Current " + ResourceNames[res] + " price is " + ask(res)
            res = res + 1
            Added "execute" command allowing to run arbitrary command with custom parameters, e.g.
            execute "buy food " + amount + " " + price // buy 5m food @ 22.5
            Added "end" command (terminates script)
    2607    Allow to check city/player (account) buffs from scripts:
            m_city.cityManager.hasBuff(XXX) // true if city has buff XXX applied
    2607    m_context.hasBuff(XXX) // true if we have buff XXX applied
            m_context.buff(XXX) // returns BuffBean object or null if buff XXX is not applied
    2607    m_city.cityManager.buff(XXX) // returns BuffBean object or null if buff XXX is not applied
            Example 1: Checking if city has buff applied
    2607    ifgoto ( m_city.cityManager.hasBuff(ForceopenclosegateBuff ) == true ) gatesforced
            Example 2: Accessing individual player (account) buff properties
    2607    print m_context.buff(StopTroopsUpkeepBuff).descName
            // the above would print "No food for your troops will be consumed under this status." if buff is applied
    2607    m_context.truced // true if account is truced (including server merge truce)
            m_context.inTruceCooldown // true if account is in truce cooldown
    2606    Recognize "null" as valid value in scripts
    2603    m_context.marketReady() // set to false after (re)login, becomes true after market prices for all 4 resources are refreshed
            m_context.marketReady() // set to false after (re)login, becomes true after market prices for all 4 resources are refreshed
    2603    m_context.findFirstCity() // "main" city object
            New functions (not all possible parameters are shown):
    2603    m_city.cityManager.comfortingNeeds(1).needAmount // amount of food needed to do disaster relief
            m_city.cityManager.comfortingNeeds(2).needAmount // amount of food needed to do praying
    2600    Added disaster relief/praying factor access via scripts (m_city.cityManager.PRFactor)
            Added display of food amount needed for disaster relief/praying and current PR factor
    2595    IsHeroInCastle() now supports hero-strings
            ifgoto ( m_city.IsHeroInCastle(any:att>200) == true ) found
            Added "is_researching" (returns true if there is a research going on)
    2561    Dropped round brackets and renamed
            m_city.cityManager.enemyArmies[x].startFieldCoords => m_city.cityManager.enemyArmies[x].startCoords
    2561    m_city.cityManager.enemyArmies[x].targetFieldCoords => m_city.cityManager.enemyArmies[x].targetCoords
            m_city.cityManager.cityCoords => m_city.cityManager.coords
    2557    m_city.cityManager.enemyArmies[x].startFieldCoords
    2557    m_city.cityManager.cityCoords
