== getAvailableTroop() == ||Usage: ||city.getAvailableTroop() || ||<#F2F2F2 style="padding:0.2em;border-left-width:2px;border-style:solid;border-color:rgb(170, 170, 170); ">Example: ||city.getAvailableTroop() || This function returns an object with information about the troops attached to a city. It can give the total of all troops, a specific troop, or the troop upkeep in a city. It counts marching troops as well as those idle. . {{{ echo "I have a total of {city.getAvailableTroop().carriage} transports assigned to this city" }}} The available properties for the object are: {{{ foodConsumeRate ballista batteringRam carriage catapult heavyCavalry lightCavalry militia peasants pikemen scouter swordsmen archer }}} ---- CategoryFunctions