
completequests [optional /switch] questtype


completequests daily
completequests routine
completequests title
completequests rank
completequests /type="Rebuild"
completequests /query="all"

CompleteQuests will automatically complete any quests that you have available to complete, and receive the awards that come from the quests. It can only be used in one city at any given time, you should not have multiple instances of the command running in others.

You can accept any routine quests or daily quests (such as the free daily amulet) with completequests routine or completequests daily respectively. Using the /mode, /name, and /type switches will allow you to more specifically define what type of quest you'd like to accept. For example:

Some more examples by quest type:

You can even specify the quest by name:

Using completequests routine will force the bot to accept promotions that are pending. Please note that using the command in this way will accept the first promotion in the list, which would be major before baronet, or colonel before baron, etc. You will probably want to specify title, rank, office, or name parameters for completing promotion quests:

Global settings "General" tab now also has a dropdown menu to select automatic completion types:

The above options allow to you turn all automated quest completion off (option 0), turn it all on except promotions (option 1), turn it all on including promotions (option 2), or turn it on including promotions but doing title before rank (option 3). Most people will be best suited with option 3, this will accept Baronet before Major and so on. Note: completequests and completequests routine behavior via script command is currently NOT affected by Complete Quests mode value in Global Settings. This means if you set the menu to option 3 and then do completequests routine, you will still get Major before Baronet (or Colonel before Baron, or General before Viscount). You must use completequests title if you want them accepted in the most useful order.

Beginning in NeatBot version 3511, there is also support for the /query switch. The available values for the /query switch are:

Here's an example of how to check if we have any finished quests of Rebuild type:

Here's an example to find names of not yet completed quests, and how to complete them:

Here's an advanced example to find target names needed to complete quests, and an example of how to complete:


CompleteQuests (last edited 2017-05-28 02:30:25 by Inanna)