
heropoints heroname-or-string points-string


heropoints billybob att:100 int



This goal is available starting in NeatBot 3353T

This goal will allow you to tell the bot how and where you want the points from leveling up to be assigned. You could, for example, have a hero level up with points added to attack until it reaches 100 attack, and then automatically switch to adding points to intel or politics or both. Heropoints accepts hero names or hero strings. It also accepts a target string, to assign how you want points allocated.

The target string will tell the bot how you want the points allocated. You may use the following values in a target string:

Some examples possible:

You can also use a hero string to match which hero the heropoints goal will apply to:

You can stack seperate stages of hero growth into a single heropoints goal, for example if you wanted to level a main intel hero up. Your first step may be to get the hero to 50 attack so it can hit npc5's. Then you'd want to work it to 100 attack and 850 intel for an archer shield/compact defense hero. After you achieved those stats you'd want the rest of the points to get distributed into the attack score. You could type this as follows:

The first stage of that is attack 50. The second is the attack 100, intel 850. The bot will work on those in ratio, so for every 1 point added to attack there would be (roughly) 8.5 points added to intel. After that is achieved, the bot would throw everything else into attack. The final "att" can also be written as "att:*". In absense of the "att" or "att:*" at the end of the above goal, the bot would assign everything else into the highest attack - which would be intel.

The order of heropoints lines in your goals is IMPORTANT!! The bot works on a first-match basis for heropoints goals. For example, if we had a hero named BillyBob and he was level 1000 and you used the following 2 lines in your goals, only the 1st line would ever be applied to hero BillyBob:

Here are some more examples of the goal:

CategoryAllGoals CategoryHeroGoals CategoryConfigGoals CategoryHeroGoals

HeroPoints (last edited 2015-09-06 22:04:51 by Inanna)