Size: 2021
← Revision 10 as of 2017-01-06 00:49:33 ⇥
Size: 2021
No differences found! |
Usage: |
attack xxx,yyy hero-string troop [/big] [/horde] |
Example: |
attack 111,222 any a:1000 |
In the first example, it will immediately initiate attack on the given coords using the specified hero or herostring and troops.
In the second example, it would add 30 minutes as camp time before the attack.
In the third example, it would attack and camp time the attack to land at that actual time (using your computer time, not server time). Notice the difference between the 2nd and 3rd example is the colon (:) symbol.
In the third example, you'll also see s:100 was added in before the time. This will tell the bot to send 100 stone along with the attack (although I'm not sure why you'd want to do that :P)
In the forth example, we've added the "/big" argument, this will tell the bot to use a War Ensign so we can send 25% more troops!
In the fifth example, we've used the "/horde" argument, allowing us to send 10 times as many troops as before, as you can see, here we're sending 1 million troops.
in the final example, you'll notice we have used both the "/big" and "/horde" arguments, meaning we can send 1.25 million troops.
See HeroString for details on how to set up the herostring for this script.