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    Unknown action newaccount.

    Clear message

    The script commands in this section pertain to the deployment of troops or resources to targets or other cities. This section includes attacking, reinforcing, transporting, and scouting.



    attack xxx,yyy hero-string troop [/big] [/horde]


    attack 111,222 any a:1000
    attack 111,222 any a:1000 @00:30:00
    attack 111,222 any a:1000 s:100 @:18:20:20
    attack 111,222 any s:125k /big
    attack 111,222 any s:1m /horde
    attack 111,222 any s:1.25m /big /horde

    In the first example, it will immediately initiate attack on the given coords using the specified hero or herostring and troops.

    In the second example, it would add 30 minutes as camp time before the attack.

    In the third example, it would attack and camp time the attack to land at that actual time (using your computer time, not server time). Notice the difference between the 2nd and 3rd example is the colon (:) symbol.

    In the third example, you'll also see s:100 was added in before the time. This will tell the bot to send 100 stone along with the attack (although I'm not sure why you'd want to do that :P)

    In the forth example, we've added the "/big" argument, this will tell the bot to use a War Ensign so we can send 25% more troops!

    In the fifth example, we've used the "/horde" argument, allowing us to send 10 times as many troops as before, as you can see, here we're sending 1 million troops.

    in the final example, you'll notice we have used both the "/big" and "/horde" arguments, meaning we can send 1.25 million troops.

    See HeroString for details on how to set up the herostring for this script.



    bigattack xxx,yyy hero-string troop


    bigattack 111,222 any a:125000

    This script command functions exactly as Attack, but uses a war ensign to allow up to 125k troops.



    bigdeploy march-type xxx,yyy hero-string troop:xxx resource:xxx hh:mm:ss (or @:hh:mm 24hr clock time)


    bigdeploy reinforce 111,222 none t:5k f:100k 1:30:00

    March Types:

    atk - Attack
    bld - Build City
    rei - Reinforce
    sct -Scout

    Resource Types:

    f - food
    w - wood
    s - stone
    i - iron
    g - gold

    This script command functions exactly as Deploy, but uses a war ensign to allow up to 125k troops. See HeroString for details on how to setup the hero string for this script.



    bigreinforce xxx,yyy hero-string troop:xxx resource:xxx HH:MM:SS (or @:HH:MM 24hr Clock)


    bigreinforce 111,222 none a:125k f:10000 @:9:30
    bigreinforce 111,222 any:attack=best a:100k,w:25k

    This script command functions exactly as Reinforce, but uses a war ensign to allow up to 125k troops.

    First example will reinforce 111,222 with 10,000 food using 125k archers at 9:30 Second example will reinforce 111,222 with the highest attack hero, 100k archers and 25k warriors

    See HeroString for details on how to setup the hero string for this script.



    bigscout xxx,yyy hero-string s:xxx


    bigscout 111,222 ken s:125000

    This script command functions exactly as Scout, but uses a war ensign to allow up to 125k troops.

    See HeroString for details on how to setup the hero string for this script.



    bigtransport xxx,yyy trans:xxx resource:xxx HH:MM:SS (or @:HH:SS 24hr Clock)


    bigtransport 111,222 t:125000 f:120000000

    This script command functions exactly as Transport, but uses a war ensign to allow up to 125k troops.



    capture xxx,yyy troopstring [or cav amount]


    capture 111,222 s:100,c:5k
    capture 111,222 3000

    Used to spam loyalty down on a target every 30 seconds, and if an attack fails recall all waves (including attack waves sent from other towns). Capture stops attacks when the city is conquered.

    In the first above example, the bot will repeatedly send waves of 100 scouts, 5k cavalry to 111,222 until it is captured or an attack fails. In the second example, it is using the older style which will send only cavalry (in this case 3000 of them) until it is captured or an attack fails. If no number of cavalry or troop string is specified, the default is 500 cavalry.

    It is important to note that the bot will use only heroes defined as SpamHeroes for Capture. If you have none defined, it will use the default of any hero below lvl 50 with a base of 69 or lower.

    To cancel a Capture in progress, use EndLoyaltyAttack.



    deploy march-type xxx,yyy hero-string troop:xxx resource:xxx hh:mm:ss (or @:hh:mm 24hr clock time)


    deploy reinforce 111,222 none w:25000 f:100000 1:30:00

    March Types:

    at - Attack
    bu - Build City
    re - Reinforce
    sc -Scout

    Resource Types:

    f - food
    w - wood
    s - stone
    i - iron
    g - gold

    This is a generic command where any of the other marching commands can be used. See HeroString for details on how to setup the hero string for this script.

    Time can be expressed in hh:mm:ss or in local time when prefaced with @: so @:3:37 would sleep until 3:37 AM local time. When using @: the time must be specified in 24 hour time.

    Resources and time are optional parameters.






    This is used to cancel a scheduled GuardedAttack script command.






    Used to stop a LoyaltyAttack or Capture in progress.






    Used to stop a SpamAttack in progress.



    guardedattack xxx,yyy troop num_scouts opponent_troop opponent_defenses


    guardedattack 111,222 a:99600,w:100,s:100,p:100,sw:100 10 a:60000,cav:50000 at:19000
    guardedattack 111,222 cav:99000,s:1000 10 a:500000 ab:1

    Used to set up a scout and an attack and recall the attack based on the result of the scout.

    In the first example, the bot will schedule a scout with 10 scouts and an attack on 111,222 with 99600 archers so that the scouts arrive a random time between 15-30 seconds before the archers. If the scout fails, the attack is recalled. If the scout is successful but there are 60k+ archers OR 50k+ cavalry at the target, the attack is also recalled.

    In the second example, the bot will schedule a scout with 10 scouts and an attack on 111,222 with 99000 cavalry so that the scouts arrive a random time between 15-30 seconds before the horses. If the scout fails, the attack is recalled. If the scout is successful but there are 500k+ archers OR => 1 abatis at the target, the attack is also recalled.

    To cancel guardedattack, use EndGuardedAttack.



    idrecall ArmyId


    idrecall 100333040

    Used to recall the specific army with a given id. The army Id number can be found by hovering the mouse over the army in the army tab.



    loyaltyattack xxx,yyy troopstring [or cavalry amount]


    loyaltyattack 111,222 s:100,c:5k
    loyaltyattack 111,222 3000

    Used to spam loyalty down on a target every 30 seconds, and if an attack fails recall all waves (including attack waves sent from other towns). Loyaltyattack stops attack when loyalty is at 7.

    In the first above example, the bot will repeatedly send waves of 100 scouts, 5k cavalry to 111,222 until it is 7 or lower loyalty or an attack fails. In the second example, it is using the older style which will send only cavalry (in this case 3000 of them) until it is 7 or lower loyalty or an attack fails. If no number of cavalry or troop string is specified, the default is 500 cavalry.

    It is important to note that the bot will use only heroes defined as SpamHeroes for Loyaltyattacks. If you have none defined, it will use the default of any hero below lvl 50 with a base of 69 or lower.

    To cancel a loyaltyattack in progress, use EndLoyaltyAttack.



    recall coordinates


    recall 111,222

    Used to recall all troops heading to the given coordinates.






    Used to recall all troops marching from the city.



    reinforce xxx,yyy hero-string troop:xxx resource:xxx HH:MM:SS (or @:HH:MM 24hr Clock)


    reinforce 111,222 none t:100 f:10000 @:9:30
    reinforce 111,222 ken a:90000,w:10000

    First example will reinforce 111,222 with 10,000 food using 100 transporters at 9:30 Second example will reinforce 111,222 with hero ken, 90k archers and 10k warriors

    When reinforcing a hero from one city to another via scout, you do not need to include s:1, it will be automatically assumed.

    See HeroString for details on how to setup the hero string for this script.



    scout xxx,yyy hero-string s:xxx


    scout 111,222 ken s:100000
    scout 111,222 none s:25000

    First example will scout 111,222 with 100,000 scouts using the hero Ken. Second example will scout 111,222 with 25,000 scouts but no hero.

    See HeroString for details on how to setup the hero string for this script.



    SetBallsUsed troops


    setballsused 20,50,130,200,400

    Sets the number of ballista used to farm NPCs level 1 to 5. This script has been deprecated. Please use "ballsused" instead.



    setguard xxx,yyy target_troops target_walls


    attack 111,222 any w:100000,a:100,s:100,p:100,sw:100
    scout 111,222 any s:100000
    setguard 111,222 a:60000,cav:50000 ab:100

    This allows you to launch an attack and have it monitored for certain troop and wall conditions, and recall if they're exceeded. **NOTE** You must have a wall condition for the SetGuard to work.

    As an example of a way to monitor a npc10 to make sure it's still a npc10 and not a player:

    attack 111,222 bob c:99k,s:1k
    scout 111,222 fred s:1
    setguard 111,222 wo:1,w:400001,s:1,p:1,sw:1,a:1,c:1,cata:1,t:1,b:1,r:1,cp:1 at:5000,tre:2000

    This says to send your cav/scout attack at the target, then send 1 scout, then setguard on that attack with those conditions on that 3rd line.

    If the 1 scout dies, the attack is recalled.
    If the 1 scout fails to get a report, the attack is recalled.
    If the 1 scout peeks inside the target and sees any of those amounts of troops or walls in the city, the attack is recalled.

    If it has below those amounts of troops or walls, the attack is allowed to continue.

    You can add a sleep or landing time in on the scout so that it'll get there a few seconds before the attack does, so that you aren't scouting too soon.



    spamattack xxx,yyy troop num_waves


    spamattack 111,222 c:500,s:500 10

    Used to repeatedly attack a town for a given number of times. The above example will attack 111,222 with 500 cavs & 500 scouts 10 times.

    It is important to note that the bot will use only heroes defined as SpamHeroes for Spamattacks. If you have none defined, it will use the default of any hero below lvl 50 with a base of 69 or lower. Heroes must be at 100 loyalty before Spamattack will send them.

    To cancel Spamattack, use EndSpamAttack.



    transport xxx,yyy trans:xxx resource:xxx HH:MM:SS (or @:HH:SS 24hr Clock)


    transport 111,222 t:1000 f:999998

    Sends resources to the specified location with the specified troops. The time parameter is optional.

    An important note to remember with transportation, if you try to send more than the transports can carry, you will get an error, and the command will not function. You can run TravelInfo first to get the maximum carrying capacity of the troops you're sending.
