Usage: |
rescanmap location radius |
Example: |
rescanmap 111,222 30 |
Used to rescan the map to update information of previously scanned coordinates. This functions the same, otherwise, as ScanMap.
You can use either a central starting point with a radius distance to scan outwards from, OR you can use the top left corner coordinates and bottom right corner coordinates to scan an area in between (the same as ScanRec).
In the first above example, you would scan in a 30 mile radius from the central point at 111,222. In the second above example, you would scan the map from 0,0 (top left corner) to 799,799 (bottom right corner) which would be the entire map.
To scan a specific state, you can use the following coordinates:
//Friesland rescanmap 0,0 199,199 //Saxony rescanmap 200,0 399,199 //North March rescanmap 400,0 599,199 //Bohemia rescanmap 600,0 799,199 //Lower Lorraine rescanmap 0,200 199,399 //Franconia rescanmap 200,200 399,399 //Thuringia rescanmap 400,200 599,399 //Moravia rescanmap 600,200 799,399 //Upper Lorraine rescanmap 0,400 199,599 //Swabia rescanmap 200,400 399,599 //Bavaria rescanmap 400,400 599,599 //Carinthia rescanmap 600,400 799,599 //Burgundy rescanmap 0,600 199,799 //Lombardy rescanmap 200,600 399,799 //Tuscany rescanmap 400,600 599,799 //Romagna rescanmap 600,600 799,799