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Describe CategoryInformational here. | ## page was renamed from CategoryInformational The script commands in this section are the various ways to list or gain information about your cities, account, and the area around you. <<FullSearchCached(category:CategoryInformational)>> <<Include(FindField,"FindField", to="^----$")>> <<Include(ListAllHeroes,"ListAllHeroes", to="^----$")>> <<Include(ListBuffs,"ListBuffs", to="^----$")>> <<Include(ListCommands,"ListCommands", to="^----$")>> <<Include(ListItems,"ListItems", to="^----$")>> <<Include(ListMedals,"ListMedals", to="^----$")>> <<Include(RescanMap,"RescanMap", to="^----$")>> <<Include(RescanRec,"RescanRec", to="^----$")>> <<Include(ScanMap,"ScanMap", to="^----$")>> <<Include(ScanRec,"ScanRec", to="^----$")>> <<Include(TravelInfo,"TravelInfo", to="^----$")>> |
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CategoryCommands | ---- ScriptCommands |
The script commands in this section are the various ways to list or gain information about your cities, account, and the area around you.
Usage: |
ListAllHeroes |
Example: |
ListAllHeroes |
Displays a list of all heroes, their stats, and their experience totals for every city.
Example Output:
10:29:24 CityA Queen Lvl:193 [P:254 A:67 I:21] exp:4737560/3724900
10:29:24 CityA Farmer1 Lvl:297 [P:27 A:363 I:21] exp:10180331/8820900
10:29:24 CityA Farmer2 Lvl:272 [P:40 A:347 I:29] exp:6284228/7398400
10:29:24 CityA Farmer3 Lvl:232 [P:25 A:301 I:32] exp:9425996/5382400
10:29:24 CityB Queen Lvl:189 [P:246 A:6 I:41] exp:6928622/3572100
10:29:24 CityB Farmer1 Lvl:321 [P:54 A:389 I:25] exp:7885243/10304100
10:29:24 CityB Farmer2 Lvl:285 [P:47 A:354 I:18] exp:12535167/8122500
10:29:24 CityB Farmer4 Lvl:254 [P:26 A:323 I:47] exp:8160739/6451600
10:29:24 CityC Queen Lvl:210 [P:272 A:22 I:46] exp:8125870/4410000
10:29:24 CityC BigGuy Lvl:346 [P:21 A:414 I:46] exp:8467980/11971600
10:29:24 CityC Farmer1 Lvl:219 [P:14 A:288 I:25] exp:8049178/4796100
10:29:24 CityC Farmer2 Lvl:213 [P:26 A:282 I:33] exp:9054832/4536900
Usage: |
ListBuffs |
Example: |
ListBuffs |
Lists currently applied buffs.
Example Output:
13:00:59 BUFFS: Enhance army's Defence by 20%. (expires in 177d:7h:29m:18)
13:00:59 BUFFS: Enhance Lumber production by 25%. (expires in 251d:6h:08m:34)
13:00:59 BUFFS: Enhance army's Attack by 20%. (expires in More than 3 years)
13:00:59 BUFFS: Enhance Food production by 25%. (expires in 183d:16h:35m:09)
13:00:59 BUFFS: Enhance Iron production by 25%. (expires in 212d:12h:12m:20)
13:00:59 BUFFS: Enhance Stone production by 25%. (expires in More than a year)
13:00:59 BUFFS: Enhance Tax Revenue by 100%. (expires in 135d:19h:34m:46)
Usage: |
ListCommands |
Example: |
ListCommands |
Lists available commands.
Example Output:
- 12:59:38 *** goal, buyitem, waterhero, listmedals, renamecity, listitems, resetgoals, buildinggoals, techgoals, dumpresource, canceltroopqueues, dumptroop, buildcity, cancelbuildcity, capture, changeflag, healtroops, cancelfortifications, evacuatetown, distancepolicy, resourcelimits, gatepolicy, npclist, spamheroes, npc10heroes, npctroops, npc10list, npcheroes, setballused, disband, valleytroops, huntingpos, listallheroes, huntingtype, npc10limit, abandontown, loyaltyattack, keeptroop, keepresource, endkeeptroop, endkeepresource, setnpcflag, bigtransport, bigdeploy, unsetnpcflag, rewardheroes, spamattack, endloyaltyattack, guardedattack, setguard, endguardedattack, endspamattack, recall, travelinfo, persuadehero, firehero, scanmap, scanrec, rescanmap, useitem, getspamhero, findhero, completequests, checkresearch, bigscout, bigattack, cleannpcreports, comfort, create, demo, deploy, findfield, trade, sell, buy, canceltrade, levy, production, reinforce, bigreinforce, startresearch, attack, scout, transport, truce, setmayorbyname, setmayor, train, abandon, upgrade, releasehero, changeheroname, useheroitem, uplevelheroes, whisper ***
Usage: |
ListItems |
Example: |
ListItems |
Lists the currently held Items.
Example Output:
- 12:58:06 Items: 2 Civil Code, 82 Truce Agreement, 113 Hero Hunting, 311 Michelangelo's Script, 179 Battlechest of Christmas, 20 Leather Helm of Robinhood, 94 Freedom Medal, 117 Wisdom Medal, 207 Courage Medal, 290 Honor Medal, 20 Ritual of Pact, 8 Chain Helm of Beowulf, 19 Aries Amulet, 24 Thanksgiving War Chest, 5 Nation Medal, 97 Justice Medal, 125 Lion Medal, 93 Rose Medal, 46 Adv City Teleporter, 135 Cross Medal, 1 Irish Stew, 57 National Flag, 48 Casanova's Package, 52 Bernini's Hammer, 237 Junior Battalion, 1 Ivory Horn, 276 Special Evony Happiness Chest, 63 Napoleon's Diary, 89 War Ensign, 74 Easter Chest, 19 Intermediate Guidelines, 1 Master Guidelines, 1 Penicillin, 115 Holy Water, 2 Archimedes' Note, 69 City Teleporter, 37 Speech Text, 12 Merchant Fleet, 4 The Wealth of Nations, 2 War Horn, 6 Anabasis, 6 Epitome of Military Science, 12 St Patrick's Day Chest, 8 Dynamite, 1 New ID, 5917 Speaker, 3 Summer of Gold Chest, 29 Beginner Guidelines, 10 Primary Guidelines
Usage: |
ListMedals |
Example: |
ListMedals |
List the currently held medals.
Example output:
- 12:55:24 Medals: 94 Freedom Medal, 117 Wisdom Medal, 207 Courage Medal, 290 Honor Medal, 5 Nation Medal, 97 Justice Medal, 125 Lion Medal, 93 Rose Medal, 135 Cross Medal
Usage: |
rescanmap location radius |
Example: |
rescanmap 111,222 30 |
Used to rescan the map to update information of previously scanned coordinates. This functions the same, otherwise, as ScanMap.
You can use either a central starting point with a radius distance to scan outwards from, OR you can use the top left corner coordinates and bottom right corner coordinates to scan an area in between (the same as ScanRec).
In the first above example, you would scan in a 30 mile radius from the central point at 111,222. In the second above example, you would scan the map from 0,0 (top left corner) to 799,799 (bottom right corner) which would be the entire map.
To scan a specific state, you can use the following coordinates:
//Friesland rescanmap 0,0 199,199 //Saxony rescanmap 200,0 399,199 //North March rescanmap 400,0 599,199 //Bohemia rescanmap 600,0 799,199 //Lower Lorraine rescanmap 0,200 199,399 //Franconia rescanmap 200,200 399,399 //Thuringia rescanmap 400,200 599,399 //Moravia rescanmap 600,200 799,399 //Upper Lorraine rescanmap 0,400 199,599 //Swabia rescanmap 200,400 399,599 //Bavaria rescanmap 400,400 599,599 //Carinthia rescanmap 600,400 799,599 //Burgundy rescanmap 0,600 199,799 //Lombardy rescanmap 200,600 399,799 //Tuscany rescanmap 400,600 599,799 //Romagna rescanmap 600,600 799,799
Usage: |
rescanrec topLeftCornerCoords bottomRightCornerCoords |
Example: |
rescanrec 0,0 799,799 |
Used to update information on a previously scanned map rectangle. This functions, otherwise, the same as ScanRec.
You will use the top left corner coordinates and bottom right corner coordinates to scan an area in between (the same as ScanMap).
In the above example, you would scan the map from 0,0 (top left corner) to 799,799 (bottom right corner) which would be the entire map.
To scan a specific state, you can use the following coordinates:
//Friesland rescanrec 0,0 199,199 //Saxony rescanrec 200,0 399,199 //North March rescanrec 400,0 599,199 //Bohemia rescanrec 600,0 799,199 //Lower Lorraine rescanrec 0,200 199,399 //Franconia rescanrec 200,200 399,399 //Thuringia rescanrec 400,200 599,399 //Moravia rescanrec 600,200 799,399 //Upper Lorraine rescanrec 0,400 199,599 //Swabia rescanrec 200,400 399,599 //Bavaria rescanrec 400,400 599,599 //Carinthia rescanrec 600,400 799,599 //Burgundy rescanrec 0,600 199,799 //Lombardy rescanrec 200,600 399,799 //Tuscany rescanrec 400,600 599,799 //Romagna rescanrec 600,600 799,799
Usage: |
scanmap location radius |
Example: |
scanmap 111,222 30 |
Used to scan an area of the map for use by other search functions. You can use either a central starting point with a radius distance to scan outwards from, OR you can use the top left corner coordinates and bottom right corner coordinates to scan an area in between (the same as ScanRec).
In the first above example, you would scan in a 30 mile radius from the central point at 111,222. In the second above example, you would scan the map from 0,0 (top left corner) to 799,799 (bottom right corner) which would be the entire map.
To scan a specific state, you can use the following coordinates:
//Friesland scanmap 0,0 199,199 //Saxony scanmap 200,0 399,199 //North March scanmap 400,0 599,199 //Bohemia scanmap 600,0 799,199 //Lower Lorraine scanmap 0,200 199,399 //Franconia scanmap 200,200 399,399 //Thuringia scanmap 400,200 599,399 //Moravia scanmap 600,200 799,399 //Upper Lorraine scanmap 0,400 199,599 //Swabia scanmap 200,400 399,599 //Bavaria scanmap 400,400 599,599 //Carinthia scanmap 600,400 799,599 //Burgundy scanmap 0,600 199,799 //Lombardy scanmap 200,600 399,799 //Tuscany scanmap 400,600 599,799 //Romagna scanmap 600,600 799,799
Usage: |
scanrec topLeftCornerCoords bottomRightCornerCoords |
Example: |
scanrec 0,0 799,799 |
Used to update information on a previously scanned map rectangle.
You will use the top left corner coordinates and bottom right corner coordinates to scan an area in between (the same as ScanMap).
In the above example, you would scan the map from 0,0 (top left corner) to 799,799 (bottom right corner) which would be the entire map.
To scan a specific state, you can use the following coordinates:
//Friesland scanrec 0,0 199,199 //Saxony scanrec 200,0 399,199 //North March scanrec 400,0 599,199 //Bohemia scanrec 600,0 799,199 //Lower Lorraine scanrec 0,200 199,399 //Franconia scanrec 200,200 399,399 //Thuringia scanrec 400,200 599,399 //Moravia scanrec 600,200 799,399 //Upper Lorraine scanrec 0,400 199,599 //Swabia scanrec 200,400 399,599 //Bavaria scanrec 400,400 599,599 //Carinthia scanrec 600,400 799,599 //Burgundy scanrec 0,600 199,799 //Lombardy scanrec 200,600 399,799 //Tuscany scanrec 400,600 599,799 //Romagna scanrec 600,600 799,799
Usage: |
travelinfo coord troop |
Example: |
travelinfo 111,222 cav:10,cata:10 |
Used to find attack & reinforce times, food consumptions and load carrying capabilities of defined troops.
Example output from above script:
13:14:08 Distance to 111,222: 365.27miles
attack time: 5h:24m:41
reinforce time: 54m:06
carrying total/attack/reinforce: 3600/-2136/2644