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    You are not allowed to use this action.

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    create buildingtype [position id]


    create cottage
    create fo
    create barrack
    create a 0
    create embassy 2

    Building Types:

    academy - a
    barrack - b
    beacon tower - be
    cottage - c
    embassy - e
    feasting hall - fh
    forge - fo
    farm - f
    sawmill - s
    quarry - q
    iron mine - i
    inn - inn
    market - m
    rally spot - r
    relief station - rs
    stable - st
    town hall - t
    wall - w
    warehouse - wh
    workshop - ws

    Create is used to build a building on an empty space, if there are no spaces to build, the create command will attempt to create a building until there is one and eventually time out. The Create command will automatically speed up the construction process for those buildings that are less than 5 minutes build time. In other words, for those buildings, like a cottage, that can be instantly built, Create will do this. The create command will perform several checks before it creates a building, it will first check to see if another construction is underway and automatically sleep until that construction is done, it also checks for resources, and if none are present, will sleep until they are.

    A specific position ID can be given with create for building, as shown in the 4th and 5th examples above. Use the following numbers for each tile:

    http://i.imgur.com/IRtmGbf.png http://i.imgur.com/r1Voz7t.png
