Usage: |
resetgoals |
Example: |
resetgoals |
This command will temporarily reset/disable your goals until the next bot restart. It will: remove all building, tech, & fortification directives; cancel all troop requirements, erase all config statements, erase all variables; set ReportsToKeep & DistancePolicy to default values; delete NpcBounds, NpcHeroes, NoLevelHeroes, SpamHeroes; remove all SendResources, KeepResources, SendTroops, KeepTroops directives, set HomeHeroes to 1, TrainingHero "" 300 -1 -1, GatePolicy 0 0 0 0 0; and reset: DefensePolicy, WarehousePolicy, FarmingPolicy, RallyPolicy, TradePolicy, ProcessingPolicy, and Hunting.