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CategoryScriptCommands | CategoryCommands |
The script commands in this section pertain to your heroes and managing them.
Usage: |
changeheroname oldName newName |
Example: |
changeheroname ken henry |
Used to rename a hero.
Usage: |
findhero stat |
Example: |
findhero atk |
Arguments: |
power or atk |
This command will recruit the best hero of the type specified that is available in the inn at the time.
Usage: |
firehero hero_string |
Example 1: |
firehero Ken |
Example 2: |
firehero any:level<50 |
Used to fire a hero specifically by name from the feasting hall. The hero's status must be either idle, mayor, or captured, i.e., is not on a mission away from town.
In Example 1 the hero "Ken" Will be fired if it is in the town.
In Example 2 all heroes under the level of 50 will be fired.
Usage: |
getspamhero [optional type of hero] |
Example: |
getspamhero |
Options: |
power or atk |
Used to get the best hero currently available in the inn. Optionally you can provide the type of hero you want to get the best for either attack, politics, or intelligence, as specified.
Usage: |
heroroute |
Example: |
heroroute |
This command is used to display the movement route for the TrainingHero. The output will display each city you own, and the next destination from that city.
Usage: |
ListAllHeroes |
Example: |
ListAllHeroes |
Displays a list of all heroes, their stats, and their experience totals for every city.
Example Output:
10:29:24 CityA Queen Lvl:193 [P:254 A:67 I:21] exp:4737560/3724900
10:29:24 CityA Farmer1 Lvl:297 [P:27 A:363 I:21] exp:10180331/8820900
10:29:24 CityA Farmer2 Lvl:272 [P:40 A:347 I:29] exp:6284228/7398400
10:29:24 CityA Farmer3 Lvl:232 [P:25 A:301 I:32] exp:9425996/5382400
10:29:24 CityB Queen Lvl:189 [P:246 A:6 I:41] exp:6928622/3572100
10:29:24 CityB Farmer1 Lvl:321 [P:54 A:389 I:25] exp:7885243/10304100
10:29:24 CityB Farmer2 Lvl:285 [P:47 A:354 I:18] exp:12535167/8122500
10:29:24 CityB Farmer4 Lvl:254 [P:26 A:323 I:47] exp:8160739/6451600
10:29:24 CityC Queen Lvl:210 [P:272 A:22 I:46] exp:8125870/4410000
10:29:24 CityC BigGuy Lvl:346 [P:21 A:414 I:46] exp:8467980/11971600
10:29:24 CityC Farmer1 Lvl:219 [P:14 A:288 I:25] exp:8049178/4796100
10:29:24 CityC Farmer2 Lvl:213 [P:26 A:282 I:33] exp:9054832/4536900
Usage: |
persuadehero hero |
Example: |
persuadehero Ken |
Persuade the captured hero named Ken. The medals required for the persuasion, if any, are shown in the hero tab.
Usage: |
releasehero heroName or herostring |
Example: |
releasehero Bob |
Used to dismiss a captive hero from the feasting hall. This script command is compatible with hero strings.
For more information about what hero strings can be used with this command, check out HeroString.
Usage: |
renamehero oldName newName |
Example: |
renamehero ken henry |
Used to rename a hero. This script is identical to ChangeHeroName.
Usage: |
rewardheroes |
Example: |
rewardheroes |
Finds and rewards all heroes with loyalty below 100, using gold.
Usage: |
setmayor attribute |
Example: |
setmayor pol |
Valid Arguments:
att or atk or attack pol or politics int or intel or intelligence none or remove
This command will change your current mayor for one of the specified attributes or will demote the mayor completely. It automatically selects the highest level of the attribute that you specify. This is very useful when creating, upgrading and demolishing buildings via script, as you can specify the highest level politic hero you have to go into office. Capturing a npc10 and only have a level 9 Feasting hall in one city? You can remove the mayor with this command to make sure he marches with the rest of the troops.
// appoints highest politic hero to mayor setmayor pol // appoints highest attack hero to mayor setmayor att // appoints highest intel hero to mayor setmayor int // demotes current mayor setmayor remove setmayor none
Usage: |
setMayorbyname HeroName |
Example: |
setMayorbyname Henry |
This command will allow you to specify the Mayor you wish to assign by hero name.
Usage: |
uplevelheroes |
Example: |
uplevelheroes |
Upgrades all heroes in current city (unless named in the NoLevelHeroes goal). Each hero is upgraded only one level and its best attribute is increased. Config hero must be set to 1 or higher for this script to function.
Usage: |
useheroitem heroname itemname |
Example: |
useheroitem BigGuy on war |
Used to apply hero buff items and medals to the specified hero. NOTE: Cannot be applied to a captured hero.
Usage: |
waithero hero |
Example: |
waithero ken |
This command will have the script wait until a specific hero or match for a hero-string is in the city and available. In the 1st example above, the script would wait until a hero named ken was available. In the 2nd example above, the script would wait until any hero with 200 or higher attack is available.
For more information about what hero strings can be used with this command, check out HeroString.
Usage: |
waitherolost hero1,hero2,... |
Example: |
waitherolost ken,henry |
Pause script until one of the heroes specified is captured.
Usage: |
waterhero heroName |
Example: |
waterhero BigGuy |
Used to apply holy water to a hero in the feasting hall. After the hero is watered, points will be reassigned automatically to the highest stat.
The following feature is available starting in NeatBot 3354T
You can also opt to water a hero into another type of hero, ie - take your politics hero to attack so that it can hit npc10s. The /heropoints switch will allow you to do this. The rules for the /heropoints switch are the same as for the HeroPoints goal. In the above example, you could water your (for instance) intel hero named Smarty and assign all points into attack. Here are some more examples:
// reassign all points to attack attribute waterhero billybob /heropoints="att" // increase both politics to 300 and intel to 100 (pro-rate if there is not enough points); then add the remaining points to attack attribute waterhero Robert1 /heropoints="pol:300,int:100 att" // increase politics to 300; increase intel to 100; add the remaining points to attack attribute waterhero Robert2 /heropoints="pol:300 int:100 att"