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    The goals in this section pertain to anything combat related for your city, primarily the defense of it.



    config attackgap:[seconds]


    config attackgap:3


    config attackgap:6

    This goal allows you to instruct the bot how many seconds in between attacking waves constitutes a separate attack for purposes of evasion.

    With the example above, the bot will consider all attacks at least 3 seconds apart as separate attacks, and try to evade each of them. If the time between is less, it will evade them together only once.



    config defensecooldown:[minutes]


    config defensecooldown:10


    config defensecooldown:30

    This goal allows you to instruct how long after an attack hits you - or is recalled - for the bot to consider you still "under attack".

    Junk attacks will not trigger defensecooldown to start.

    The bot uses the defensecooldown period for a number of things, one is to keep the embassy open when using config Embassy:2. Another is for the DefensePolicy goal's switches such as autotruce or autospeech.



    defensepolicy [/switches]


    defensepolicy /junktroop:500 /usespeech:5 /usetruce:2 /usewarhorn:1 /usecorselet:1 /usepenicillin:0


    defensepolicy /junktroop:1000 /usewarhorn:0 /usecorselet:0 /usepenicillin:0


    /usecorselet:[0/1] /useultracorselet:[0/1]
    /usewarhorn:[0/1] /useivoryhorn:[0/1]

    This policy allows the player to control various defensive capabilities of the bot. Additional options will be added to this command in future revisions.

    The /junktroop switch allows the player to set the number of troops under which an attack is considered junk. A junk attack will not trigger the attack warning, gatepolicy, hiding, defensepolicy, or other defensive measures.

    The /usespeech and /usetruce switches allow the player to designate the use of truce agreements or speech texts at the specified loyalty.

    The /usepenicillin, /usewarhorn, and /usecorselet switches allow the player to have the bot automatically apply these items when under attack.



    config embassy:[value]


    config embassy:1


    config embassy:1

    This goal allows you to instruct the bot how you want your embassy box checked. 1 will keep the embassy always open, 0 will keep the embassy always closed, and 2 will open the embassy only during an attack and shortly after an attack based on the DefenseCooldown setting.

    Default is '1' for always open.



    config gate:[minutes]


    config gate:1
    config gate:0.1


    config gate:0

    With this option activated the bot will open and close the gates depending on the type of attack waves approaching the city. Town defense is quite complex; the bot can defend your city when it is strong, weak, or extremely weak. In general, if you have 300,000 archers the bot will allow scout bombs to hit; below 100,000 archers, the bot will close the gate when attacked but will open the gate to deal with small loyalty attacks. When used along with GatePolicy, you can instruct the bot what types of attacks to open for, and what to close for.

    In the 1st example above, the bot would open or close gates 1 minute before an incoming attack. In the 2nd example, the bot would open or close gates 0.1 minute, or 6 seconds, before an incoming attack.

    Note that the bot will automatically take into account the "Server time difference" shown at login. This is the time difference between your computer's clock and evony's clock.



    gatepolicy <no attack> <regular attack> <scout bomb> <mixed attack> <maintenance>


    gatepolicy 2 1 2 0 1


    gatepolicy 0 0 0 0 0


    0 - Bot's Choice
    1 - Open Gate
    2 - Close Gate

    This policy sets the actions to be taken by your bot in controlling the gate when your city is under attack. In order for gatepolicy to operate, you must also use config Gate. The bot can respond by deciding on its own if it should be opening/closing, or by always opening, or by always closing the gates for each type of scenario: no attack, regular attack, scout bomb, mixed attack, and maintenance with this policy.

    In the example above, with no incoming attacks the bot will always keep gates closed; with regular incoming attacks it will always keep gates open; with an incoming scout bomb it will always close gates; with a mixed attack it will decide on its own whether to open or close; and for maintenance it will always open gates.

    It is important to note that regular attack means any attack that is not a scout bomb, and mixed attack means specifically both scout bombs and regular attacks landing within the same response period. Mixed attack does not mean mixed troops like a mech hit and a tradefire and a cav smack at the same time.



    config hiding:[minutes]


    config hiding:0.5


    config hiding:0 (off)

    When enabled, the hiding goal will attempt to hide resources and excess troops when under attack by moving a rainbow and resources. This will ensure you have sufficient resources and troops to continue defending. This goal is very useful when your city is still weak; if there are more troops/layers in your city than open rally spots can accommodate, then the rainbow hiding may not be effective.

    The bot requires an available hero in the town to send the evasion attack for the rainbow. It will not demote the mayor for this purpose. If all heroes are out farming or the rally spots are all full, hiding will fail. Therefore, you should use HomeHeroes or KeepAttHome with this goal.

    In the example above, the bot will attempt to hide troops and resources 30 seconds prior to the attack landing.








    This goal doesn't do anything. It's kinda like an urban legend. It never worked, not on Neat or YAEB. Some knucklehead added the goal name so that it wouldn't error but never made it do anything. I have this entry in the wiki only because people ask why it's not working or where they can find info on it :) Sorry!



    config warrules:[minutes]


    config warrules:1

    Activating this goal will send a message in alliance chat to your alliance giving them minimal information regarding an incoming attack on your city.

    When the first non-junk attack is sent, the bot will send the message to alliance chat. It will send updates with changes in attacks or new attacks every X minutes as specified in the goal. If no new attacks are added, or current attacks are not changed, then it will only send a reminder every X*5 minutes as specified in the goal.



    config wartown:[switch]


    config wartown:1


    0 = off
    1 = on (traininghero can move in/out)
    2 = on (traininghero remains in city)

    With this goal enabled, the bot will lock down most troop movements in preparation of war. No npc farming runs, KeepResource, SendResource, KeepTroop, or SendTroop goals will be performed with this enabled.

    When this goal is set to 1, the TrainingHero may move freely into and out of the city. When this goal is set to 2, the TrainingHero will remain in the city if/when it lands there.

    If you want to easily recall all your marching armies after setting this goal, you can run the "recallall" script command from the city.



    wartownpolicy start_time end_time [start_time end_time start_time end_time]


    wartownpolicy 06:00 12:00

    This policy will tell the bot to cease attacks on npcs, valleys, etc., and keep all resource and troop transport missions home in preparation of war at a set schedule. In the example above, the bot would halt all farming attacks and troop/resource transport missions from 6 to 12, and perform as normal the rest of the time. You can add multiple start and end times to this policy, e.g., wartownpolicy 06:00 12:00 5:00 23:00. This policy may be wise to use in conjunction with SchedulePolicy so that you can ensure your farm runs are completed and home (and therefore troops healed) before the bot shuts down at a set schedule.

    Note: This policy has no effect unless config wartown:1 or config wartown:2 is set.
