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    • Diff for "CategoryHeroGoals"
    Differences between revisions 2 and 6 (spanning 4 versions)
    Revision 2 as of 2012-08-21 01:41:43
    Size: 93
    Editor: Inanna
    Revision 6 as of 2012-10-22 01:24:31
    Size: 1155
    Editor: Inanna
    Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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    ## page was renamed from CategoryHeroes
    Describe CategoryHeroes here.
    These goals all relate to your hero management, training, hiring, and firing.


    <<Include(CapturedFireLimit,"CapturedFireLimit", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(FastHero,"FastHero", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(FeastingHallSpace,"FeastingHallSpace", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(Hero,"Hero", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(HeroFireLimit,"HeroFireLimit", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(HomeHeroes,"HomeHeroes", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(KeepAttHome,"KeepAttHome", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(KeepCapturedHeroes,"KeepCapturedHeroes", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(KeepHeroes,"KeepHeroes", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(NoLevelHeroes,"NoLevelHeroes", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(NoMayor,"NoMayor", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(NpcHeroes,"NpcHeroes", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(SpamHeroes,"SpamHeroes", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(TrainInt,"TrainInt", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(TrainPol,"TrainPol", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(Training,"Training", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(Training10,"Training10", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(TrainingHero,"TrainingHero", to="^----$")>>
    <<Include(ValleyHeroes,"ValleyHeroes", to="^----$")>>

    These goals all relate to your hero management, training, hiring, and firing.



    capturedfirelimit [level]


    capturedfirelimit 100


    none, use KeepCapturedHeroes instead

    This directive will tell the bot not to automatically fire any captured hero of the level specified.

    1. You have config hero set to something other than 0 (e.g., config hero:1) ... AND

    2. You have a captured hero of a level below the capturedfirelimit ... AND

    3. The captured hero is the lowest attack ... OR ... The feasting hall is full and the TrainingHero is not in the city.

    This goal has been deprecated. Please use KeepCapturedHeroes instead. If you have this goal in use, the bot will automatically treat it as the keepcapturedheroes internally. For example:

    capturedfirelimit 100 will be treated as keepcapturedheroes any:level>=100



    config fasthero:[base]


    config fasthero:65


    config fasthero:0

    With this config enabled, the bot will attempt to quickly hire and fire heroes from the inn, keeping only heroes of the base attribute specified while keeping your config hero:x goal in mind. In the example above, with config hero:10 set, you want the bot to keep 1 politics hero and the rest attack heroes. With config fasthero:65 set, the bot will attempt to hire & fire until it has found 1 65+ base politics hero and the rest 65+ base attack heroes. Having a level 1 inn in the city is recommended for this goal in order to save gold.

    A hero may be fired if its base stat is lower than fasthero setting AND if it is not protected by your KeepHeroes goal. Fasthero will stop hiring when it has only 1 space left for the TrainingHero to enter the city, or when it has reached your FeastingHallSpace goal setting + 1 more for TrainingHero.

    When selecting which hero to fire, the bot will only choose from idle heroes. This means a better hero may be fired if a worse one is out farming. A helpful tip if filling multiple slots of heroes with fasthero in a city that is capable of farming npcs is to set valleyheroes and npcheroes using advanced hero strings to only use those with a high(er) base. For example,npcheroes 5 any:base>=65, would allow npc farming to only send out a hero with 65 or higher base, so that the junk ones fasthero is still processing will be idle for it to fire and replace.

    Config hero:10 or higher must be set before this goal will function. You must also have over 1 million gold in your city.

    If fasthero is set to 120 or higher, then it will search for heroes in a different way. The hero's combined base of attack + intel will be taken into account. So for example, if a hero has 65 attack and 65 intel and is level 10, it's combined base would be 65+65-10 = 120 and would be kept with config fasthero:120. When selecting which hero to fire with a 120+ fasthero setting, the bot will choose from all available heroes, not just idle ones.



    config feastinghallspace:[spaces]


    config feastinghallspace:1


    config feastinghallspace:0

    This goal tells the bot how many slots empty you want in your feasting hall in regards to automatic hero hiring. One space is reserved by the bot for the TrainingHero regardless of this goal.

    As an example, if you set config feastinghallspace:4 the bot will stop hiring new heroes when there are 4 spaces plus 1 for the traininghero.

    It is important to note the bot does not automatically hire heroes just because this goal is set. You must still use another goal, e.g. FastHero, if you want the bot to hire them.



    config hero:[switch]


    config hero:10


    config hero:0


    0 - Disable Hero Management
    1 - Level up & reward heroes only
    10 - Keep 1 good Politics hero all other attack heroes
    11 - Keep 1 good Politics and 1 good Intel hero all others attack heroes
    12 - Keep 1 good Politics and 2 good Intel heroes all others attack heroes
    20 - Keep 2 good Politics heroes all others attack heroes
    21 - Keep 2 good Politics and 1 good Intel hero all others attack heroes
    22 - Keep 2 good Politics and 2 good Intel heroes all others attack heroes

    This config will tell the bot how you wish your heroes to be hired, rewared, and otherwise managed by the various automated tasks the bot does.

    In the the 3rd example above (switch 10), the bot will keep 1 politics hero and in all the rest of your available feasting hall slots it will keep attack heroes.

    This goal must be set to 10+ in order for FastHero to function.

    It is important to note that when a task in the bot, for example TrainingHero movement or FastHero, need a space opened up in the feasting hall that it will consider config hero as its base for what type of hero to fire. If you have for example, config hero:20 then it will disregard the 2 best politics heroes, and then fire one of the remaining heroes with the worst attack score. This worst attack score could very well be an intel hero or a third poli hero. It will not necessarily fire the lowest level hero or a junk captured hero if they have a better attack score. Config hero should reflect what type of heroes you want left in the city, and used alongside KeepHeroes and KeepCapturedHeroes goals to ensure the bot never fires a hero you want to keep.



    herofirelimit [level]


    herofirelimit 70


    none, use KeepHeroes instead

    This directive will tell the bot not to automatically fire any hero of the level specified. When not set, the default level to keep is 50.

    This goal has been deprecated. Please use KeepHeroes instead. If you have this goal in use, the bot will automatically treat it as the Keepheroes internally. For example:

    herofirelimit 100 will be treated as keepheroes any:level>=100



    homeheroes [amount]


    homeheroes 3



    This directive will tell the bot how many heroes you wish to remain in the city while it is sending troops out for farming, etc.

    By default, all allowed heroes are sent out for farming. If a custom NpcHeroes list is defined, this goal will reduce the number of heroes that are allowed to farm at a time from the list, and that have to stay home at any given time vs. using all applicable heroes that are in your feasting hall. Note: If there is a mayor in the town, it is not included in the number of HomeHeroes.



    config keepatthome:[switch]


    config keepatthome:1


    config keepatthome:0


    0 = off
    1 = on

    By default the bot will send out all attack heroes on farming runs. With this goal set, the bot will keep the highest attack hero home in the city for defensive purposes.
    When set the bot will keep the best hero (traininghero excluded) at home, unless training is enabled, then it keeps the 2nd best.



    keepcapturedheroes hero-string


    keepcapturedheroes any:level>=200
    keepcapturedheroes any:base>79|any:level>=150,base>69|any:level>=200


    keepcapturedheroes any:level>=200|any:base>69

    This directive will tell the bot not to automatically fire any captured hero specified in the hero string.

    In the second example above, the bot will keep all captured heroes that are level 100 or higher with a base greater than 79, or are level 150 or higher with a base greater than 69, or are level 200 or higher regardless of base.

    When running this command from the script window instead of as a goal, you can use the /reset switch to clear all keepcapturedheroes in memory, either from scripts or goals. For example: keepcapturedheroes /reset. Note that clearing via script will only last until the bot is restarted, unless the script is ran each restart, or the goals are cleared as well.

    For more information about what hero strings can be used with this goal, check out HeroString.



    keepheroes hero-string


    keepheroes any:level>=100


    keepheroes any:level>=50|any:base>=69

    This directive will tell the bot not to automatically fire any hero specified in the hero string.

    In the 1st example, the bot will keep heroes that are level 100 or higher.

    The default setting will keep heroes level 50+ or those with a base of 69+.

    NOTE: When running this command from the script window instead of as a goal, you can use the /reset switch to clear all keepheroes in memory, either from scripts or goals. For example: keepheroes /reset. Note that clearing via script will only last until the bot is restarted, unless the script is run each restart, or the goals are cleared as well.

    For more information about what hero strings can be used with this goal, check out HeroString.



    nolevelheroes hero-string


    nolevelheroes ForBob



    This directive will tell the bot not to upgrade a hero or heroes. In the example above, if the hero ForBob was being trained to give away to your friend Bob, you wouldn't want it to be upgraded due to increased persuasion costs and requirements. Setting this will allow ForBob to gain experience without being leveled up by the bot.

    Another example, incorporating the new advanced hero strings: nolevelheroes any:intel>=163 would allow your intel heroes to grow until 163 intel, then stop, letting you save up the points for adding to attack in the future, thus saving you holy waters to create a nice mech hitter. :)

    The bot allows multiple lines of nolevelheroes in goals. It also allows combining lines with a | as all goals allowing HeroStrings do. If using GlobalGoals with a nolevelheroes directive in them, you may find yourself needing to cancel the global nolevelheroes to add specific ones for an account. You can do this with the /reset switch. For example nolevelheroes /reset followed by the new nolevelheroes line(s).



    config nomayor:[switch]


    config nomayor:1


    config nomayor:0


    0 = off
    1 = on

    With this goal turned on, the bot will not keep a mayor appointed in the city. This will allow the politics hero to be sent out on farming runs.

    Note - you should use config trainpol:1 instead of config nomayor:1 to allow the politics hero to farm npcs and still be appointed mayor when it is not on a npc run.



    npcheroes [optional level] hero-string


    npcheroes 10 hero-string
    npcheroes 9 hero-string
    npcheroes 5 hero-string
    npcheroes 4 hero-string
    npcheroes hero-string


    npcheroes any

    This directive tells the bot which heroes to use for which npc level. If this is not set, the bot will default to all allowed heroes to hit any npc level 1-5. You can specify heroes for every level of npc individually as shown in the examples above, or let it default to the older style by simply using 'npcheroes' with no npc level after it for all npcs of level 1-5, and 'npc10heroes' for npcs of level 10.

    See HeroString for details on how to set up the hero string for this goal.

    NOTE: You must still enable farming of these levels of npcs via the config npc goal if you wish for the bot to farm them. Simply setting which heroes to use will not make the bot hit the npcs.



    spamheroes hero-string


    spamheroes any:base<=69,level<50


    spamheroes hero-string

    This directive will tell the bot which heroes it may or may not use with LoyaltyAttack or SpamAttack.

    See HeroString for details on how to set up the hero-string for this goal.

    When running this command from the script window instead of as a goal, you can use the \reset switch to clear all spamheroes in memory, either from scripts or goals. For example: spamheroes /reset. Note that clearing via script will only last until the bot is restarted, unless the script is ran each restart, or the goals are cleared as well.



    config trainint:[switch]


    config trainint:1


    0 = off
    1 = on

    By default, the bot will not attack npcs with intel heroes. With this goal set, the intel hero will attack npcs, and be given priority for leveling by being sent before the attack heroes.



    config trainpol:[switch]


    config trainpol:1


    0 = off
    1 = on

    By default, the bot will not attack npcs with the best politics hero of the town (i.e., the mayor). With this goal set, the politics hero will attack npcs, and be given priority for leveling by being sent before the attack heroes.

    Another hero (attack, normally) will be set as temporary mayor while your politics hero is out farming. You may notice a significant decrease in resource production with this enabled due to the temporary, lower politics mayor.

    If you are trying to keep and level up 2 or more politics heroes side by side, it is best to discard this goal. In this scenario the bot will keep the best of the 2 politics heroes home to act as mayor, and send the 2nd one out to farm as if it were an attack hero. When the 2nd one surpasses the best in politics score, they will swap and the 2nd will become the mayor while the 1st attacks npcs to level up.



    config training:[switch]


    config training:1


    0 = off
    1 = farm hourly, with transports
    2 = farm hourly, without transports

    By default, when configured to hit npcs, the bot will only hit them each every 8 hours. With this config enabled and once npclimit is reached, the bot will hit npcs every 1 hour instead to level your heroes faster.

    If you wish to avoid going too far over your npclimit in food, you can instruct the bot to attack the npcs without transports by setting it to 2 instead, i.e., config training:2.



    config training10:[switch]


    config training10:1


    0 = off
    1 = on

    By default, when configured to hit npc10s, the bot will only hit them each every 8 hours. With this config enabled, the bot will hit them every 1 hour instead to level your hero faster.

    See also farmingpolicy for further customization for hitting level 10 npcs.



    traininghero heroname minstay maxstay npchits


    traininghero BigGuy
    traininghero BigGuy 120
    traininghero BigGuy 120 2400 10

    This directive will tell the bot who your main training hero is for use in queuing troops. You can have a different traininghero for different towns, or the same one for all towns. This hero will be automatically moved by the bot to each town that lists it as its traininghero. By default the bot will remain for 10 minutes in each town. You can adjust this duration to stay by adding a time, in seconds, to the end of the line.

    In the first example above, BigGuy will stay in the town for 10 minutes to queue/farm before moving along.

    In the second example above, BigGuy will stay in the town for 120 seconds (2 minutes) to queue/farm before moving along.

    In the third example above, BigGuy would stay at least 120 seconds (2 minutes), and may leave the city after at least 10 npc hits are made, or at least 2400 seconds (40 minutes) have passed.

    The bot does not detect whether the traininghero is needed to queue in a town before sending it. If the traininghero is set up to farm npcs in the city, and a "0" is given as the optional npchits value, then the bot will not farm npcs in that town. It needs to be at least "1". Also if the traininghero is set up to farm npcs in the city and the remaining stay of the default 10 minutes or the configured maxstay time is less than the roundtrip travel time to the next npc for him to farm, he will still hit that npc even though it exceeds the maxstay. He will be moved to the next city upon returning from a npc trip that exceeds the maxstay time.

    The traininghero will farm npcs level 1-5 if the city is configured to farm them, unless he is told not to. You can exclude the traininghero from farming those npcs by adding or modifying the NpcHeroes goal:

    npcheroes !BigGuy,any
    npcheroes 5 !BigGuy,any

    In the absence of any traininghero goal for a city, the best available attack score hero in that city will be used as the traininghero.

    Be sure not to set a town that is in 24-hour advanced teleport lockdown with your main traininghero, or it will get stuck!



    valleyheroes hero-string


    valleyheroes AttackDude,ValleyGuy
    valleyheroes !trainingheroname,any:attack>60

    This directive will tell the bot which heroes it may or may not use to acquire flats for holding or npc building, as well as heroes for valley acquisition, hunting, valleyfarming, and safevalleyfarming.

    In the 1st example above, only the heroes named AttackDude and ValleyGuy would be allowed to perform any march against a valley or flat.

    In the 2nd example above, using advanced hero strings, any hero with 60+ attack other than the traininghero would be usable. I've found safevalleyfarm will often lose troops if a politics or intel hero with very low attack are sent. Since adding this to my goals, I have had no more losses on safevalleyfarming and much lower losses on everything else.

    See HeroString for details on how to set up the hero string for this goal.

    When running this command from the script window instead of as a goal, you can use the \reset switch to clear all valleyheroes in memory, either from scripts or goals. For example: valleyheroes /reset. Note that clearing via script will only last until the bot is restarted, unless the script is ran each restart, or the goals are cleared as well.


    CategoryHeroGoals (last edited 2012-10-22 01:24:31 by Inanna)