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    requesttroops coords troopType localAmount remoteAmount minBatch maxBatch


    requesttroops any archer 200k 300k 10k 100k
    requesttroops WarCity scout 1m 10m 50k 100k

    RequestTroops works just like SendTroops, except in reverse.

    Requesttroops is used to instruct the bot to automatically request certain troops from certain destinations when the conditions specified are met. As an example, you can instruct a city that's trebbing for hero levels to request scouts automatically from your warcity, to maintain a level of scouts that allow continued attacks, without dropping your warcity too low on scouts.

    Since a picture speaks a thousand words...


    Requesttroops tends to look more complicated than it is. The things to remember are as follows:

    • Coordinates to request from can be in either xxx,yyy or city name format including "any". In order to request troops, the coordinates/name must be on the same account. You can request from multiple cities by seperating the coordinates or names with a |. For example requesttroops WarCity|HubCity|FarmCity scout 1m 1m 10k 100k. You cannot exclude a specific city using !cityname.

    • The city to request from, troop type, local amount, and remote amount are required.
    • The minimum and maximum batch sizes are optional. If only specifying one number for the batch size, then it's considered to be the maximum amount NOT the minimum amount. If you do not specify either a maximum or minimum batch amount, then it will send as much or as little as it is able to send in order to keep the local and remote amounts correct.
    • You may use a * in place of numbers for the local or remote amounts or the minimum or maximum batch sizes, to indicate that the amounts don't matter.
    • The bot will not put the requesting city above the local amount. You must have BELOW this amount in order to have a request sent. The exception is in case you use a * for the local amount, then it will send regardless of the local amount.
    • The bot will not put the sending city below the remote amount. It must have ABOVE this amount in order to send some to the requesting city. The exception is in case you use a * for the remote amount, then it will send regardless of the remote amount.
    • If you specify a minimum batch and that amount would put the sending city below it's localAmount, or the receiving city above it's remoteAmount, then it will not send yet. It will wait until the batch size is ok to send. If you use a * for the minimum batch then the bot will send any amount it decides to.
    • If the receiving city is critically low on something (the bot considers 50% or less of the remoteAmount to be critically low) then it will ignore the minimumBatch and send less to get troops there faster.
    • The bot takes into account troops that will be arriving before the reinforcement could when calculating how much is needed at the receiving city.

    CategoryAllGoals CategoryTroopGoals